This week, I was attending the ISC conference in Frankfurt, Germany. I was organizing a booth on outreach concerns in the HPC community (and should do another blog post about it).

I also took the opportunity to speak with as many people as I could on the booths. I was particularly targeting large computing centers, where people do some MPI trainings and user supports, as I'm convinced that SimGrid can prove very useful to these people. I must say that I had very interesting contacts doing so, even if they are still to be confirmed at this point.

When discussing on the booths, I was using the following presentation to present SimGrid and answer questions. That's a rather interactive presentation: almost all words of the "SimGrid: Versatile Simulator of Distributed Apps" are clicable, allowing to adapt the presentation to any question in real time. I share it here in the hope that others will find it useful. Please click on the image to see the slides.