Jean-Christophe Léchenet,
Nikolai Kosmatov,
Pascale Le Gall.
Cut branches before looking for bugs: certifiably sound verification on relaxed slices.
In Formal Aspects of Computing.
[doi] [pdf] [website] -
Jean-Christophe Léchenet,
Nikolai Kosmatov,
Pascale Le Gall.
Cut Branches Before Looking for Bugs: Sound Verification on Relaxed Slices.
In FASE 2016 (part of ETAPS 2016).
[doi] [pdf] [website] [slides] -
Jean-Christophe Léchenet,
Nikolai Kosmatov,
Pascale Le Gall.
Coq a dit : fromage tranché ne peut cacher ses trous.
In JFLA 2016. (In French).
[HAL] [pdf] [website] [slides]