(* This file is distributed under the terms of the MIT License, also
known as the X11 Licence. A copy of this license is in the README
file that accompanied the original distribution of this file.
Based on code written by:
Brian Aydemir *)
known as the X11 Licence. A copy of this license is in the README
file that accompanied the original distribution of this file.
Based on code written by:
Brian Aydemir *)
A type class-based library for working with decidable equality.
Require Import Coq.Classes.Equivalence.
Require Import Coq.Classes.EquivDec.
Require Import Coq.Logic.Decidable.
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Hint Extern 0 (?x === ?x) ⇒ reflexivity : core.
Hint Extern 1 (_ === _) ⇒ (symmetry; trivial; fail) : core.
Hint Extern 1 (_ =/= _) ⇒ (symmetry; trivial; fail) : core.
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Lemma equiv_reflexive' : ∀ (A : Type) `{EqDec A} (x : A),
x === x.
Proof. intros. apply equiv_reflexive. Qed.
Lemma equiv_symmetric' : ∀ (A : Type) `{EqDec A} (x y : A),
x === y →
y === x.
Proof. intros. apply equiv_symmetric; assumption. Qed.
Lemma equiv_transitive' : ∀ (A : Type) `{EqDec A} (x y z : A),
x === y →
y === z →
x === z.
Proof. intros. eapply @equiv_transitive; eassumption. Qed.
Lemma equiv_decidable : ∀ (A : Type) `{EqDec A} (x y : A),
decidable (x === y).
Proof. intros. unfold decidable. destruct (x == y); auto. Defined.
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Specializing EqDec
Class EqDec_eq (A : Type) :=
eq_dec : ∀ (x y : A), {x = y} + {x ≠ y}.
Instance EqDec_eq_of_EqDec (A : Type) `(@EqDec A eq eq_equivalence) : EqDec_eq A.
Proof. trivial. Defined.
We can also provide a reflexivity theorem for rewriting with, since types
with decidable equality satisfy UIP/Axiom K and so we know that we can
rewrite the equality proof to `eq_refl`.
Theorem eq_dec_refl {A : Type} `{EqDec_eq A} (x : A) : eq_dec x x = left eq_refl.
destruct (eq_dec x x); [|contradiction].
f_equal; apply (Eqdep_dec.UIP_dec eq_dec).
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