Benjamin Barrois

University of Rennes 1, INRIA/IRISA


A short biography

my_photo After a "Baccalauréat" in Science, I have studied mathematics and physics for two years in preparatory class. I then joined ENSSAT (Superior National School of Applied Science and Technologies) where I graduated in Industrial Electronics and Informatics, but also in Embedded Systems via a double-degree obtained with the University of Rennes. This allowed me to start a doctoral thesis about Approximate Computing, financed by the University of Rennes 1 and carried out in team CAIRN from IRISA labs (INRIA) under the supervision of Olivier Sentieys.

Latest News

2017, July

Accepted paper in Approximate Computing special session of SiPS'17 (Lorient, France) for the paper "Customizing Fixed-Point and Floating-Point Arithmetic - A Case Study in K-Means Clustering", written with Olivier Sentieys.