Phd Students
Arthur Hoarau (30%)
Active learning of imprecise and uncertain data
Other supervisor: Jean-Christophe Dubois (35%), Yolande Le Gall (35%)
beginning of the thesis: September 2021
Financing: CD22 grant/ARED grant
Zuowei Zhang (50%)
Network data mining under uncertainty using belief functions
Other supervisor: Zhunga Liu (50%)
beginning of the thesis: October 2019
End of the thesis: 18 January 2022
Financing: CSC
Actual position: Associate professor, NPU, Xi’an, China
Constance Thierry (30%)
Evaluation of contribution and workers quality on crowdsourcing platform
Other supervisor: Jean-Christophe Dubois (35%), Yolande Le Gall (35%)
beginning of the thesis: October 2018
End of the thesis: 14 December 2021
Financing: CD22 grant/DRUID
Actual position: Associate professor, IRISA/IUT Lannion, France
Na Li (100%)
Combination of supervised and unsupervised classifiersbased on belief functions
Other supervisor: Rémi Estival (Total)
beginning of the thesis: May 2017
End of the thesis: 28 September 2020
Financing: Bourse CIFRE Total
Actual position: Data scientist researcher, AXI Technologies, Paris, France
Yiru Zhang (30%)
Modeling and management of imperfect preferences with the theory of belief functions
Other supervisor: Tassadit Bouadi (70%)
beginning of the thesis: October 2016
End of the thesis: 3 February 2020
Financing: Lannion Tregor Communauté/Région Bretagne grant
Actual position: ATER Lannion 2020-2021, post-doc, China 2021, Teacher-researcher, Cergy, France
Salma Ben Dhaou (30%)
Modeling interaction between nodes in a credibilist social network
Director: Boutheina Ben Yaghlane (Tunisia) (30%)
Other supervisor: Mouloud Kharoune (40%)
beginning of the thesis: May 2015
End of the thesis: 22 May 2019
Financing: Tunisia
Actual position: Post-doc, Caen, France 2019-2021, Consultant innovation, Calvinnov, Toulouse, France
Dorra Attiaoui (50%)
Belief detection and temporal analysis of experts in question answering communities: case strudy on stack overflow
Director: Boutheina Ben Yaghlane (Tunisia) (50%)
beginning of the thesis: May 2013
End of the thesis: 1 December 2017
Financing: Tunisia
Actual position: Data scientist, Paris, France
Siwar Jendoubi (30%)
Influencers characterization in a social network for viral marketing perspectives
Director: Boutheina Ben Yaghlane (Tunisia) (40%)
Other supervisor: Ludovic Lietard (30%)
beginning of the thesis: February 2013
End of the thesis: 16 December 2016
Financing: Tunisia
Actual position: post doc, Annecy, France 2017-2019, research engineer, Upskills, Paris, France.
Kuang Zhou (50%)
Belief relational clustering and its application to community detection
Director: Quan Pan (China) (50%)
beginning of the thesis: September 2013
End of the thesis: 5 July 2016
Financing: CSC, China
Actual position: associate professor, NPU, Xi’an, China
Amira Essaid (30%)
Decision making for ontology matching under the theory of belief functions
Director: Boutheina Ben Yaghlane (Tunisia) (40%)
Other supervisor: Grégory Smits (30%)
beginning of the thesis: November 2010
End of the thesis: 1 June 2015
Financing: Tunisia
Actual position: teacher-researcher, CESI, Strasbourg, France
Mouna Chebbah (50%)
Source independance in the theory of beief functions
Director: Boutheina Ben Yaghlane (Tunisia) (50%)
beginning of the thesis: November 2010
End of the thesis: 24 June 2014
Financing: Tunisia
Actual position: associate professor, Université de la Mannouba, Tunisia
Anthony Fiche (30%)
Traitement de données multicapteurs : application à la reconnaissance d’objets et caractérisation d’environnements incertains
Director: Ali Khenchaf (ENSIETA – E³I²) (30%)
Other supervisor: Jean-Christophe Cexus (ENSIETA – E³I²) (40%)
beginning of the thesis: 1 October 2009
End of the thesis: 19 November 2012
Financing on contract.
Actual position: Associate professor, UBO, Quimper
Pierre-Emmanuel Doré (50%)
Fonctions de croyance continues pour la fusion multi-capteurs
Director: Arnaud Martin since october 2009
Other supervisor: Christophe OSSWALD (ENSIETA) (50%)
beginning of the thesis: 1er October 2008
End of the thesis: 7 December 2011
Financing: by contract.
Actual position: Priest
Andreas Arnold-Bos (50%)
Détection, suivi et classification d’objets en milieux naturels : application à la surveillance maritime
Director: Ali Khenchaf (ENSIETA – E³I², Brest, France)
beginning of the thesis: 1 November 2004
End of the thesis: 2 February 2010
Financing: Regional Bourse.
Actual position: Research engineer Thales Undewater System, Brest
Simon Vallez (10%)
Modélisation, réalisation et validation d’un système d’évaluation discret de l’environnement océano-acoustique
Director: Ali Khenchaf (ENSIETA – E³I², Brest, France)
Other supervisor: Cédric Gervaise
beginning of the thesis: 1 September 2004
End of the thesis: 30 April 2009
Financing: PEA STEREO (Plan d’Etudes Amont sur la tomographie passive)
Actual position: Research engineer, Brest
Hicham Laanaya (50%)
With Rabat University, Maroc, and UBO, Brest
Théorie de l’apprentissage pour l’extraction d’informations: Application à la classification d’images sonar
Directors: Driss Aboutajdine (Mohamed 5 University, Rabat, Maroc) and Ali Khenchaf (ENSIETA – E³I², Brest, France)
beginning of the thesis: 1 October 2003
End of the thesis: 14 December 2007
Financing: Excellence Bourse, delivred by the Centre National pour la Recherche Scientifique et Technique du Maroc.
Actual position: associate professor, Rabat, Morocco
Master Students
Daniel Zhu : Active Learning on uncertain and imprecise data, Master SIF, Rennes, co-supervised by Jean-Christophe Dubois, Yolande Le Gall
Constance Thierry : Worker modelling on crowdsourcing platform, Master SIF, Rennes, co-supervised by Jean-Christophe Dubois, Yolande Le Gall
Tarek Benzina : Modélisation de l’imprécision et de l’incertitude de données dans des plateformes de crowdsourcing, PFE, Ecole Polytechnique de Tunisie, Tunis, co-supervised by Jean-Christophe Dubois, Yolande Le Gall
Manel Chehibi : Dépendance des sources dans un réseau social, Master, Ecole Supérieure d’Economie Numérique de l’Université de la Manouba, co-encadré par Mouna Chebbah
Hosna Ouni : Caractérisation des experts en crowdsourcing, PFE, Ecole Polytechnique de Tunisie, Tunis.
Amal Ben Rjab : Characterization of experts in “crowdsourcing platform”, Research Masters in IT Intelligence for management at IHEC Carthage/ESC Tunis, Tunis, co-supervised by Mouloud Kharoune, Arnaud Martin and Boutheina Ben Yaghlane.
Faten Elarbi : Preference fusion for community detection in social networks, Research Masters in IT Intelligence for management at IHEC Carthage/ESC Tunis, Tunis, co-supervised by Tassadit Bouadi, Arnaud Martin and Boutheina Ben Yaghlane.
Sammadi Khouloud : Modeling of imperfect data in crowdsourcing platforms, Research Masters in IT Intelligence for management at IHEC Carthage/ESC Tunis, Tunis, co-supervised by Jean-Christophe Dubois, Yolande Le Gall, David Gross-Amblard, Arnaud Martin and Boutheina Ben Yaghlane.
Salma Ben Dhaou : Belief social networks, Research Masters in Applied computer sciences at ISG, Tunis, Tunsia, co-supervised by Mouloud Kharoune, Arnaud Martin and Boutheina Ben Yaghlane.
Imem Dlala : malicious person and message detection in forums, Research Masters in Applied computer sciences at ISG, Tunis, Tunsia, co-supervised by Jean-Christophe Dubois, Yolande Le Gall, Arnaud Martin and Boutheina Ben Yaghlane.
Wiem Maalel : A belief hierarchical clustering, Research Masters in Applied computer sciences at ISG, Tunis, Tunsia, co-supervised by Arnaud Martin and Zied Elouedi.
Firas Karaoui : Combining information for web accessibility, Research Masters in IT Intelligence for management de l’IHEC Carthage/ESC Tunis, Tunsia co-supervised by Jean-Christophe Dubois, Yolande Le Gall, Arnaud Martin and Boutheina Ben Yaghlane.
Anouar Jammali : Indexing Evidential Databases, and Knowledge Discovery from Data (Polytech’Nantes), co-supervised by Anis Bach-Tobji, Arnaud Martin and Boutheina Ben Yaghlane.
Dorra Attiaoui : Conflict modelling between continuous belief functions. Research Masters in IT Intelligence for management de l’IHEC Carthage/ESC Tunis, Tunsia, co-supervised by Boutheina Ben Yaghlane and Pierre-Emmanuel Doré.
Salma Ben Harrath : Evidential database interrogation. Master recherche en Informatique Appliquée à la Gestion de l’Institut Supérieur de Gestion de Tunis, Tunsia, co-supervised by Boutheina Ben Yaghlane.
Siwar Jendoubi : Belief HMM for speech segmentation. Master recherche en Informatique Appliquée à la Gestion de l’Institut Supérieur de Gestion de Tunis, Tunsie (2011-2012), co-supervised by Boutheina Ben Yaghlane.
Julien Bizien : Fusion multi-vues et multi-capteurs~: application à l’exploration sous-marine. Master professionel Mathématiques et Applications des Mathématiques de l’UBS, Vannes.
Mouna Chebbah : Conflict modelling with the theory of belief functions for database improvement. Master recherche en Informatique Appliquée à la Gestion de l’Institut Supérieur de Gestion de Tunis, Tunsie (2009-2010), co-supervised by Boutheina Ben Yaghlane.
Anthony Fiche : Fonctions de croyance continue pour la caractérisation des sédiments marins. Master STT de l’UBO, Brest.
Pierre-Emmanuel Doré : Combinaison et mise-à-jour d’information pour la recherche et sauvetage. Master STT de l’UBO – PFE de l’ENSIETA, Brest. Stage effectué à l’Université de Laval, Québec, Canada, et co-supervised by Irène Abi-Zeid, Professeur université Laval, Canada, Anne-Laure Jousselme, RDDC-Valcartier, Canada, Patrick Maupin, RDDC-Valcartier, Canada.
Jean-Claude Okaingni : Cartographie du cuirassement dans le milieu volcano-sédimentaire dans la région de Toumodi par fusion de données multi-échelles et multi-temporelles par les fonctions de croyance. DEA de Télédétection et SIG du Centre Universitaire de Recherche et d’Application en Télédétection (CURAT), Université de Cocody, Côte d’Ivoire.
Georges Le Bian : Fusion de caractéristiques en imagerie~: application à la caractérisation des sédiments marins. Master recherche STT de l’UBO, Brest.
Gwénola Sévellec: fusion de données fusion de décisions : caractérisation/classification des fonds sous-marins. DEA STT de l’UBO – PFE de l’ENIB.
Rachida Bougmati: La classification par SVM multiclasses : classification d’images sonar. DEA STT de l’UBO.
Hicham Laanaya: SVM – Application à la classification d’images sonar, DESA Informatique & Télécommunication à la faculté des sciences de Rabat (Mohamed 5)
Industrial Projects
Julien Langrand-Lambert : Fusion de la segmentation et de la classification automatique des images sonar, coencadré avec Hicham Laanaya et Romain Courtis.
Pierre-Emmanuel Doré, Pierre Gauvillé : Détection et suivi de navires en imagerie radar, coencadré avec Andreas Arnold-Bos.
Ali Akar, Houssein Jawad Alkhatib : Logiciel de classification automatique de sédiments marins, coencadré avec Hicham Laanaya.
Stéphanie Artigues, Charles Billard: Logiciel de segmentation et classification automatique de sédiments marins, coencadré avec Hicham Laanaya et Isabelle Leblond.
Alejandro Domenech, Alexandre Ndjeng Ndjeng: Logiciel de segmentation et classification manuelle de sédiments marins, coencadré avec Hicham Laanaya.
Paul Clere, Rémi Elleboode, Mustapha Ganga, Guillaume Hochard, Jean-François Thomas: Speech recognition in automotive confined environment, coencadré avec Pierre Cambon. Projet à l’initiative de l’entreprise ATMEL.