I received my master degree in probability in 1998 and ma Ph.D degree in signal processing in 2001 from the university of Rennes. I received a HDR (French ability to supervised research) in computer sciences (2009) from the university of Brest.
I worked on speech recognition during three years (1998-2001) at orange labs (France Telecom R&D), Lannion, France. I worked in the department of statistic and data mining (STID) of the IUT of Vannes, France, as temporary assistant professor (ATER) during two years (2001-2003). In 2003, I joined the laboratory E3I2 at the ENSTA Bretagne, Brest, France, as a teacher and researcher until 2010. In 2010, I joined the laboratory IRISA UMR 6074 at the university of Rennes 1 as full professor and create the team DRUID in 2012. I teach mathematics, data fusion, data mining and computer sciences. My research interests are mainly related to the belief functions for the classification and include data fusion, data mining especially for social networks and crowdsourcing knowledge extraction applications.