V. Claveau > Publications > TALN'04 Article Abstract OLSTOLST
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Vincent Claveau, Pascale Sébillot,
Extension de requêtes par lien sémantique nom-verbe acquis sur corpus,
Actes de la 11ème conférence de Traitement automatique des langues naturelles (TALN'04), Fez, Morocco, May 2004,
Document (pdf), Document (ps.gz)

Abstract In the information retrieval field, managing the equivalent reformulations of a same idea is a key point to improve the performances of existing retrieval systems. One way to reach this goal is to use specialised semantic resources that are suited to the document database on which the queries are processed. In this paper, we show that the semantic links between nouns and verbs called qualia links, defined in the Generative lexicon framework (Pustejovsky, 1995), enable us to improve the results of retrieval systems. To achieve this goal, we automatically extract from the document database noun-verb pairs that are in qualia relation with the acquisition system ASARES (Claveau, 2003a). These pairs are then used to expand the queries of a retrieval system. With the help of the Amaryllis evaluation campaign data, we show that these expansions actually lead to better results, especially for the first documents proposed to the user.