V. Claveau > Publications > LREC 2002 Abstract OLSTOLST

Pierrette Bouillon, Vincent Claveau, Cécile Fabre, Pascale Sébillot
Acquisition of Qualia Elements from Corpora - Evaluation of a Symbolic Learning Method,
Proceedings of the Lexical Ressources and Evaluation Conference (LREC), Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, May 2002,
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Abstract This paper presents and evaluates a system extracting from a corpus noun-verb pairs whose components are related by a special kind of link: the qualia roles as defined in the Generative Lexicon. This system is based on a symbolic learning method that automatically learns, from noun-verb pairs that are or are not related by a qualia link, rules characterizing positive examples from negative ones in terms of their surrounding part-of-speech or semantic contexts. The qualia noun-verb pair extraction is thus performed by applying the learnt rules on a part-of-speech or semantically tagged text. Stress is put on the quality of the learning when compared with traditional statistical or syntactical-based approaches. The linguistic relevance of the rules is also evaluated through a comparison with manually acquired qualia patterns.

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