V. Claveau > Publications > CORIA'07 abstract
OLSTOLST Version française

Fabienne Moreau, Vincent Claveau, Pascale Sébillot,
Intégrer plus de connaissances linguistiques en recherche d'information peut-il augmenter les performances des systèmes ?,
Actes de la 4ème Conférence en Recherche d'Informations et Applications, CORIA 07,
Saint-Etienne, France, March 2007,
Document (pdf)

Résumé This paper investigates the potential added-value of a combination of different kinds of linguistic information (i.e. information that belongs to morphological, syntactic and semantic levels of language). In particular, it aims at determining whether those various kinds of knowledge, when integrated within a single information retrieval system, have separately the same impact on its overall performance, or whether some degree of correlation exists between them, therefore evaluating whether they are either complementary or redundant for finding relevant documents. The interest of morphological and semantic information, and their combinations, stands out from the described experiments.