Module BinRec

Require Import Coqlib.

Binary induction:

Lemma even_or_odd : forall x, exists a, x = 2 * a \/ x = 2 * a + 1.
  rewrite (Zdiv2_odd_eqn x).
  destruct (Z.odd x) eqn:Hodd; eauto.
  exists (Z.div2 x).

Lemma binrecN : forall P : (Z -> Prop),
    P 0 ->
    (forall z, P z -> P (2*z)) ->
    (forall z, P z -> P (2*z+1)) ->
    (forall z, 0 <= z -> P z).
  intros P H0 Hr1 Hr2 z Hpos.
  apply Zlt_0_ind; auto.
  intros x Hind Hposx.
  destruct (zeq x 0).
  - subst.
  - pose proof even_or_odd x.
    destruct H as [a [H | H]].
    + rewrite H.
      apply Hr1.
      apply Hind.
    + rewrite H.
      apply Hr2.
      apply Hind.

Lemma binrecZ : forall P : (Z -> Prop),
    P 0 -> P (-1) ->
    (forall z, P z -> P (2*z)) ->
    (forall z, P z -> P (2*z+1)) ->
    (forall z, P z).
  intros P H0 Hm1 Hr1 Hr2 z.

  destruct (zlt z 0).
  - remember (fun n => P (-n-1)) as Q.
    assert(P z = Q (-z-1)).
    { rewrite HeqQ. f_equal. omega. }
    rewrite H.
    apply binrecN; try rewrite HeqQ; auto.
    + intros z0.
      replace (- (2 * z0) - 1) with (2 * (- z0 - 1) + 1) by omega.
    + intros z0.
      replace (- (2 * z0 + 1) - 1) with (2 * (- z0 - 1)) by omega.
    + omega.
  - apply binrecN; auto. omega.

Lemma binrecZZ : forall P : (Z -> Z -> Prop),
    P 0 0 -> P 0 (-1) -> P (-1) 0 -> P (-1) (-1) ->
    (forall x y, P x y -> P (2*x) (2*y)) ->
    (forall x y, P x y -> P (2*x) (2*y+1)) ->
    (forall x y, P x y -> P (2*x+1) (2*y)) ->
    (forall x y, P x y -> P (2*x+1) (2*y+1)) ->
    (forall x y, P x y).
  intros P H00 H0m1 Hm10 Hm1m1.
  intros Hr00 Hr01 Hr10 Hr11.

  remember (fun n => forall x y, -1-n <= x <= n -> -1-n <= y <= n -> P x y) as Q.
  assert (H: forall n, 0 <= n -> Q n).
    apply binrecN; rewrite HeqQ.
    - intros x y Hx Hy.
      assert (H: (x = 0 \/ x = -1) /\ (y = 0 \/ y = -1)) by omega.
      clear Hx Hy.
      destruct H as [[Hx | Hx] [Hy | Hy]]; subst; auto.
    - intros n Hind.
      intros x y.
      rewrite (Zdiv2_odd_eqn x).
      rewrite (Zdiv2_odd_eqn y).
      intros Hx Hy.
      destruct (Z.odd x); destruct (Z.odd y); simpl; try rewrite !Z.add_0_r.
      + apply Hr11.
        apply Hind; omega.
      + apply Hr10.
        apply Hind; omega.
      + apply Hr01.
        apply Hind; omega.
      + apply Hr00.
        apply Hind; omega.
    - intros n Hind.
      intros x y.
      rewrite (Zdiv2_odd_eqn x).
      rewrite (Zdiv2_odd_eqn y).
      intros Hx Hy.
      destruct (Z.odd x); destruct (Z.odd y); simpl; try rewrite !Z.add_0_r.
      + apply Hr11.
        apply Hind; omega.
      + apply Hr10.
        apply Hind; omega.
      + apply Hr01.
        apply Hind; omega.
      + apply Hr00.
        apply Hind; omega.

  rewrite HeqQ in H.
  intros x y.
  pose proof Z.abs_nonneg x as Habsx.
  pose proof Z.abs_nonneg y as Habsy.
  pose proof Z.abs_le x (Z.abs x).
  pose proof Z.abs_le y (Z.abs y).
  apply H with (Z.abs x + Z.abs y); omega.

Lemma binrecZZ_short : forall P : (Z -> Z -> Prop),
    (forall (xb yb: bool), P (-Z.b2z xb) (-Z.b2z yb)) ->
    (forall (xb yb: bool) (x y: Z), P x y -> P (2*x + Z.b2z xb) (2*y + Z.b2z yb)) ->
    (forall x y, P x y).
  intros P Hinit Hind.
  apply binrecZZ; intros.
  - specialize (Hinit false false).
  - specialize (Hinit false true).
  - specialize (Hinit true false).
  - specialize (Hinit true true).
  - specialize (Hind false false x y).
    simpl in Hind.
    rewrite !Z.add_0_r in Hind.
  - specialize (Hind false true x y).
    simpl in Hind.
    rewrite !Z.add_0_r in Hind.
  - specialize (Hind true false x y).
    simpl in Hind.
    rewrite !Z.add_0_r in Hind.
  - specialize (Hind true true x y).
    simpl in Hind.