Last week, I was given the opportunity to present the recent work on
the formal aspects in SimGrid. I only had 15 minutes to summarize the
work of one thesis and 2 postdocs, so it was really really short
At the end of the day, I'm not sure of how useful this presentation is
when you don't hear what I'm saying on top of the slides, but the
presentation was not recorded, so that all I have.
And today, I advertized some features recently added to the tool to simulate Cloud/Fog/Edge/IoT platforms. Again, it was rather short, but there was less to cover here. This presentation constitute a good overview of how we came to the S4U interface, its philosophy, and how the Wrench nicely completes SimGrid by providing the ready to use high-level models that most users need. I hope I managed to convince some new users today.