
  • iBelief The R package ibelief aims to provide some basic functions to implement the theory of belief functions, and it has included many features such as:
    1. Fast Mobius Transformation to convert any of the belief measures (such as basic belief assignment, credibility, plausibility and so on) to another type;
    2. Some commonly used combination rules including DS rule, Smets’ rule, Yager’s rule, DP rule, PCR6 and so on;
    3. Some rules for making decisions;
    4. The discounting rules in the theory of belief functions;
    5. Different ways to generate random masses. The stable version of package ibelief could be found on CRAN. The following command can be used in R to install the package: install.packages(‘ibelief’, dependencies = TRUE)
  • Matlab toolbox for belief functions. Easy to test (see test.m). All element of the power sets are coded from Smets codes of Mobius transform.
  • Matlab toolbox for a general belief functions framework. Easy to test (see test.m). Only focal elements are coded, works for power set and hyper power set. See also the reference:
    A. Martin, “Implementing general belief function framework with a practical codification for low complexity”, in Advances and Applications of DSmT for Information Fusion, (Collected Works, Vol 3), F. Smarandache and J. Dezert (Editors), American Research Press Rehoboth, pp. 217-273, 2009. pdf
  • Manual sonar images segmentation. This file is an executable developed with Matlab.