IRISA - F 225
Campus de Beaulieu
35042 Rennes Cedex
Tel : +33 (0)2 99 84 71 08 Fax : +33 (0)2 99 84 71 71
Email : anne-cecile DOT orgerie AT irisa DOT fr
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I am a permanent research scientist (Directrice de recherche) at
CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique) in the
Magellan team at
IRISA in Rennes, France.
Formerly, I was a postdoctoral researcher working at the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
of the University of Melbourne, in Australia.
I obtained my PhD from ENS de Lyon in France in September 2011.
My main research topics are energy-efficiency and environmental impacts of distributed systems, including cloud infrastructures, telcommunication networks, and smart grids.
PhD students
- Thomas Stavis, co-advised with Laurent Lefèvre (Inria, LIP), since October 2024.
Replay of environmental leverages in Cloud infrastructures.
- Matteo Chancerel, since September 2024.
Optimization of a fully distributed Fog powered by renewable energy sources.
- Pablo Leboulanger, since September 2024.
Minimalist cloud, low on energy, hardware and software resources.
- Matthieu Silard, co-advised with Nicolas Montavont (IRISA, IMT Atlantique) and Georgios Papadopoulos (IRISA, IMT Atlantique), since March 2023.
Co-optimization of electrical and communication networks.
- Maxime Agusti, co-advised with Laurent Lefèvre (Inria, LIP) and Eddy Caron (ENS de Lyon, LIP), since December 2021.
Observation of baremetal co-location platforms, models and catalog proposal to reduce energy consumption.
- Vladimir Ostapenco, co-advised with Laurent Lefèvre (Inria, LIP), since December 2021.
Modeling, evaluating and orchestrating heterogeneous leverages for large-scale cloud data centers management.
Defended on the 18th of December 2024. His manuscript .
- Emmanuel Wedan Gnibga, co-advised with Anne Blavette (CNRS, SATIE), October 2021 - December 2024.
Modeling and optimizing edge computing infrastructures and their electrical system.
Defended on the 19th of November 2024. His manuscript .
- Clément Courageux-Sudan, co-advised with Martin Quinson (ENS Rennes, IRISA), October 2020 - December 2023.
End-to-end simulation of the energy consumption of fog infrastructures and their applications.
Defended on the 8th of December 2023. His manuscript .
- Adrien Gougeon, co-advised with Martin Quinson (ENS Rennes, IRISA), September 2019 - January 2023.
Optimizing a Dynamic and Energy Efficient Network Piloting the Electrical Grid.
Defended on the 11th of January 2023. His manuscript .
- Dorra Boughzala, co-advised with Laurent Lefèvre (Inria, LIP) and Martin Quinson (ENS Rennes, IRISA), December 2017 - November 2020.
Simulating Energy Consumption of Continuum Computing between Heterogeneous Numerical Infrastructures in HPC.
- Loic Guegan, co-advised with Martin Quinson (ENS Rennes, IRISA), October 2017 - January 2021.
Scalable end-to-end models for the time and energy performance of Fog infrastructures.
Defended on the 29th of January 2021. His manuscript .
- David Guyon, co-advised with Christine Morin (Inria, IRISA), September 2015 - December 2018.
Supporting energy-awareness for cloud users.
Defended on the 7th of December 2018. His manuscript .
- Issam Rais, co-advised with Laurent Lefèvre (Inria, LIP) and Anne Benoit (ENS Lyon, LIP), October 2015 - September 2018.
Multi criteria scheduling for large scale High Performance Computing environments.
Defended on the 28th of September 2018. His manuscript .
- Yunbo Li, co-advised with Jean-Marc Menaud (Ecole des Mines de Nantes, LINA), October 2013 - June 2017.
Resource allocation in a Cloud partially powered by renewable energy sources.
Defended on the 12th of June 2017. His manuscript .
- Ismael Cuadrado Cordero, co-advised with Christine Morin (Inria, IRISA), October 2013 - February 2017.
Microclouds : an approach for a network-aware energy-efficient decentralised cloud.
Defended on the 9th of February 2017. His manuscript .
- Meysam Mayahi, Nov. 2024 - Dec. 2024, on
Modeling and simulating the energy consumption of Wi-Fi networks.
- François Lemercier, Mar. 2020 - Aug. 2022, on
Co-optimization of a smart electrical network and its communication network.
- Kameswar Rao Vaddina, co-advised with Laurent Lefèvre (Inria, LIP), Nov. 2019 - Oct. 2020, on
Modeling Energy Consumption of Heterogeneous Numerical Infrastructures in HPC.
- Benjamin Camus, co-advised with Anne Blavette (CNRS, SATIE) and Martin Quinson (ENS Rennes, IRISA), Apr. 2018 - Sep. 2019, on
Designing and evaluating a distributed computing infrastructure for managing a Smart Grid.
- Ehsan Ahvar, co-advised with Adrien Lebre (Inria, LS2N), June 2017 - May 2018, on
Energy-Aware Edge Cloud Computing.
- Benjamin Camus, co-advised with Fanny Dufossé (Inria, LIG), Oct. 2016 - Mar. 2018, on
Coordinated Optimization of Smart Grids and Clouds.
- Anthony Simonet, co-advised with Adrien Lebre (Inria, LINA), Oct. 2015 - June 2017, on
Energy/cost-benefit analysis of a decentralized Cloud infrastructure.
- Mar Callau-Zori, co-advised with Guillaume Pierre (Université Rennes 1, IRISA), May 2014 - Oct. 2015, on
Energy-aware IaaS-PaaS co-design
- Bogdan Cornea, co-advised with Laurent Lefèvre (Inria, LIP), Dec. 2013 - Nov. 2014, on
Evaluating the energy consumption of large-scale applications.
- Alexandra Carpen-Amarie, co-advised with Christine Morin (Inria, IRISA), Jan. 2013 - Feb. 2014, on
Quantifying and improving the energy consumption of IaaS frameworks.
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ICPCEI-CIS E2CC (member): IPCEI project on next generation Cloud Infrastructure and Services, Eco Edge to Cloud Continuum (2024 - 2028).
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CARECloud (PI): PEPR Cloud project on understanding, improving, reducing the environmental impacts of Cloud Computing (2023 - 2030).
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NF-JEN (PI): PEPR 5G and Network of the Future project on Just Enough Networks (2023 - 2027).
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EDEN4SG (work package leader): ANR project on Efficient and Dynamic ENergy Management for Large-Scale Smart Grids (2023 - 2027).
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FrugalCloud (member): Inria project on End-to-end eco-design of a cloud to reduce its environmental impact (2022 - 2026).
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FACTO (PI): ANR project on A Multi-Purpose Wi-Fi Network for a Low-Consumption Smart Home (2021 - 2026).
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DECORUS (PI): CNRS 80Prime project on Distributed Edge Computing powered Only by Renewable energy soUrceS (2021 - 2024).
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PHC (PI): Partenariat Hubert Curien with Pakistan on Optimization Framework for Future (5G and beyond) Green Wireless Networks (2020 - 2022).
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RI/RE (PI): CNRS Momentum project on Optimizing the smartness of electrical grids (2019 - 2022).
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FogRein (member): Inria associated team on Steering Efficiency for Distributed Applications (2019 - 2022).
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RennesGrid (local PI): ADEME project on Smart Grids deployed on the Ker Lann campus (2017 - 2021).
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HAC SPECIS (member): Inria project lab on High-performance Application and Computers: Studying PErformance and Correctness In Simulation (2016 - 2020).
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SUSTAM (member): Inria associated team on Sustainable Ultra Scale compuTing, dAta and energy Management (2017 - 2019).
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Discovery (member): Inria project lab aiming at designing a DIStributed and COoperative framework to manage Virtual EnviRonments autonomicallY (2015 - 2019).
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COSMIC (PI): Inria exploratory action on Coordinated Optimization of SMart grIds and Clouds (2016 - 2018).
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ELCI (member): PIA project on software environment for computation-intensive applications (2014 - 2017).
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NESUS (member): COST action (IC1305): Network for Sustainable Ultrascale Computing (2014 - 2018).
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EPOC (member): project within the Labex CominLabs that deals with energy proportional and opportunistic computing systems (2013 - 2017).
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DALHIS (member): Inria associated team that deals with data analysis on large-scale heterogeneous infrastructures (2013 - 2018).
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PetaFlow (member): ANR-JST France-Japan that deals with the problem of distributed simulation and visualization of unsteady flows of peta-scale size
in a transcontinental context (2009 - 2013).
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SPEC (member): EuroNF project on virtualized environments for energy efficiency and end user privacy concerns when deploying smart meters (2011).
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GreenTouch (member): research consortium leaded by industrial partners aiming at increasing energy efficiency in networks (2010 - 2015)
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IC0804 (member): COST Action on Energy efficiency in large scale distributed systems (2009 - 2013)
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Green-Net (member): Action de Recherche Collaborative Inria on
Power aware software frameworks for high performance data transport and computing in large scale distributed systems (2008 - 2009).