Zoltan Miklos

Zoltan Miklos

Sand dune ripples

I am a full professor (Professeur des universites) in computer science at University of Rennes. I am the leader of the DRUID research team of the IRISA laboratory. I am the program director of the study track Information Systems at the graduate-level engineering school ESIR (University of Rennes).

Research interests

Data management; knowledge discovery; artificial intelligence


Photo of ISTIC

Contact details

Zoltan Miklos

Univ Rennes CNRS IRISA
Campus universitaire de Beaulieu
263 Avenue du General Leclerc - Bat 12 (F216)
F-35042 Rennes Cedex
Tel: (+33) 2 99 84 22 54
Fax: (+33) 2 99 84 71 71
office hours: by appointment
linkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/zoltanmiklos/
twitter: https://twitter.com/zoltanmiklos
Parliament Budapest Hungary Schloss Schönbrunn Wien 2014 (Zuschnitt 2) Radcliffe Camera, Oxford - Oct 2006

Short bio

I am a full professor in computer science at the University of Rennes 1. I was an associate professor at the same university between 2012-2024. Before joining the university, I worked as a postdoctoral researcher at EPFL, in Switzerland. I completed my doctoral studies in computer science at University of Oxford. I used to work as a research assistant at the Database and Artificial Intelligence Group, of the Vienna University of Technology, at the Vienna University of Economics and at the Distributed Systems Group at the Vienna University of Technology. I pursued my undergraduate studies at the University ELTE, in Budapest, Hungary.

I am a senior member of the ACM. I am also a member of some ACM special interest groups: on management of data SIGMOD, on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining SIGKDD and on artificial intelligence SIGAI.

LausannePano Rennes place de la République DSC 4521
DARPA Big Data Colourful Flower 01




Past courses

ENS Rennes


ISTIC Master Science Informatics

Social Network Analysis Visualization Meccano


ALTEN With the company ALTEN could domain experts become software developers, without training in programming, through the use artificial intelligence.

KEOLIS We try to understand the factors that influence the quality of a bus network service

CominLabs In the Clara project propose novel methods for combining open educational resources, with the help of methods from artificial intelligence.

Past projects

ANR In the HEADWORK project we try to realize workflows of crowdsourcing tasks.

OrangeLabs We collaborate with OrangeLabs to develop methods to store large dynamic graphs that represent the connection networks of IoT devices.

ALTEN With the company ALTEN we explore how to use artificial intelligence methods for human resources tasks, in particular, in the context of consulting.

ANR In the Epique project we develop methods to map the evolution of scientific fields, based on large-scale publication datasets.

Pharmaco-Epidemiologie des Produits de Sante (PEPS) ANSM

MASTODONS ARESOS: Reconstruction, Analyse et Acces aux Donnees dans les Grands Reseaux Socio-Semantiques (Grandes masses de donnees scientifiques - CNRS)

OOjs UI icon academic

Victorien Desbois (2023-) (supervision from 2024-) co-supervised by Francois Schwarzentruber and Ocan Sankur

Lea Driessens (2024-) co-supervised by Mohamed ez-Zaouia in Lannion

Mathis Ronzon (2024-) (industrial PhD with ALTEN, to start soon) co-supervised Annie Foret, Olivier Ridoux

Johan Le Boursicaud (Oct 2023-) co-supervised by David Gross-Amblard

Erwan Vincent (2022-) co-supervised by Guillaume Gravier, Simon Malinowski , Sebastien Laparoux (CIFRE KEOLIS)

Aymen Bazouzi (2022-) co-supervised by Mickael Foursov, Hoel Le Capitaine (Projet Clara)

Past students

Arthur Hoarau (2021-2024) (supervision from September 2023) Apprentissage actif de données incertaines et imprécises, co-supervised by Yolande Le Gall and Jean-Christophe Dubois

Francois Mentec (2019-2023) Explainable Job Recommender Systems for Recruiters and Consulting Companies

Matthieu Chambe (2019-2023): (supervision from October 2021 - June 2023) co-supervised by Kadi Bouatouch, Olivier Le Meur, Remi Cozot Improving Image Quality using High Dynamic Range and Aesthetics Assessment

Maria Massri (2019-2022) (CIFRE ORANGE) Designing a temporal graph management system for IoT application domains

Rituraj Singh (2018-2021) Data Centric Workflows for Crowdsourcing Application, co-supervised by Loic Helouet

Ian Jeanet (2017-2021) co-supervised by David Gross-Amblard: Hierarchical and temporal analysis of scientific corpora as tool for the history of science

Panagiotis Mavridis (2014-2017), co-supervised by David Gross-Amblard: Using Hierarchical Skills for Optimal Task Selection in Crowdsourcing


My DBLP page.
Some recent publications: Interior view of Stockholm Public Library Stockholm Public Library stacks An image of the stacks of the Stockholm Public Library Stockholm Public Library 03