R&D projects

Ongoing projects

Id Name Long Name Funding Description Start date Duration (months) Main partners
8  CAMION  Caching-based Mobile Social Network  Eurostars CAMION aims at offering cost-efficient, QoE-optimized content delivery, allowing for faster content access, as well as “offline” operation, while improving wireless network capacity and coverage. Our approach is to design advanced content prefetching and caching techniques, exploiting social and user context information for informed content delivery decisions. One basic premise is that the exploitation of user and social context (based on algorithmic prediction of user behaviour and social links) will lead to optimized content delivery  2014/10/01 30  IRISA, FON, JCP-C

Past projects

Id Name Long Name Funding Description Start date Duration (months) Main partners
1 NMS Network Multimedia Studio RIAM The NMS system allows indexing and then distribution of real-time captured video content (MPEG-4 and MPEG-2) over IP DSL networks. The video streams are initially originated from live satellite TV (DVB-S). The video content indexing (for easier browsing later on) is achieved in off-line basis, while the video streaming is achieved with a little deferral after transcoding 2002/06/01 18 UVSQ, Thales,
2 ATHENA Digital Switchover: Developing Infrastructures for Broadband Access FP6 The ATHENA’s was composed of 12 (industrial and academic) partners and its purpose was to explore and validate the realisation and deployment of the digital switchover issue through the design, implementation and evaluation of an infrastructure, which uses a regenerative DVB-T stream for the interconnection of distribution nodes, enabling a seamless access to heterogeneous IPv4/IPv6 services, and digital TV programmes 2003/12/01 30 UVSQNCSR Demokritos, Thales
3 IMOSAN Integrated Multi-layer Optimization in broadband DVB-S.2 SAtellite Networks FP6 The IMOSAN project is composed of 9 (industrial and academic) partners and proposes an integrated management solution that allows optimum usage of the satellite spectrum, which spans across three layers: physical, network and service. This multi-layer optimization will be based on the capabilities of the DVB-S.2 standard. Adaptive coding and modulation (ACM) features of the DVB-S.2 standard will be exploited, to provide optimization in time varying operating environments. An actual DVB-S.2 satellite network will be developed, to demonstrate and validate the capabilities of the multi-layer management solution 2006/01/01 30 UVSQNCSR Demokritos, Thales, CNES, Rohde & Schwarz
4 COM’DOM Home Communications ANR The COM'DOM project, funded by the region Nord Pas de Calais, conducts research for designing high data rate radio interface, operating at the 60 Ghz frequencies, for high speed wireless communications in wireless ad hoc networks. At the same time it focuses in desinging a coupled radio-fiber optics switches to extend indoor connectivity of a wireless ad hoc networks. Beside, the hardware conception and developpement, researchers involved in this project think in the design of new medium access protocol suitable for smart antennas, as well as the desing of new routing and optimization protocols for ad hoc networks 2007/09/01 12 INRIA
5 CARMEN CARrier grade MEsh Networks FP7 The CARMEN architecture introduces an abstraction layer that hides the specifics of the underlying access technology providing an abstract interface on top of which higher layers can be easily developed. This allows for the integration of current and future heterogeneous wireless technologies to provide scalable and efficient mobile ubiquitous Internet access, able to adapt to different environments and user requirements 2008/09/01 12 UCD, Alcatel-Lucent, UC3M, Fraunhofer Fokus
6 ViPeer Video Traffic Engineering in an Intra-Domain Context using Peer-to-Peer Paradigms ANR The ViPeer objective is to provide methods allowing a network operator to have explicit control on traffic flows related to video distribution. VIPEER builds upon the collaboration between a traditional CDN and a peer-assisted CDN or "distributed CDN" (dCDN), i.e. an overlay controlled by the network operator using P2P paradigms. VIPEER aims at defining a framework, both theoretical and operational, for video distribution when distributed servers and routers exhibit resource constraints 2010/01/01 36 INRIA, Telecom Bretagne, Orange labs, Envivio
7 IPChronos Real-Time IP Quality FUI'11 IPchronos goal is to enable Quality of Experience (QoE) monitoring of certified internet services. Operation of real-time services requires the master of the IP path quality to avoid any disruption. Disruptive events can be anticipated with an accurate measurement of the Packet Delay Variation (PDV). Recent progress in the network equipements are taking benefits from direct physical layer synchronization to reach a 1000 fold increase in the measurement accuracy. IPchronos proposed tools for remote services providers and operators to enable real-time measurement 2011/09/01 24 INRIA, Orolia, IP-Label