About me
Yaëlle Vinçont, PhD, Professor (agrégée) in Computer Science
- she/her
- Teacher @ ENS Rennes & Researcher @ CentraleSupélec
- Rennes, France
- French
yaelle.vincont (at) ens-rennes.fr (for teaching related stuff)
yaelle.vincont (at) inria.fr (for research related stuff)
What I'm doing right now
I'm currently AGPR (AGrégée PRéparatrice) in Computer Science at
ENS Rennes
It's a very French specific status, meaning I teach students who will
take the agrégation exam at the end of the year (and passed the exam myself).
More on the "prépa agreg info" at ENS Rennes here.
I also do research work as part of the Inria SUSHI team at CentraleSupélec Rennes. I'm interested in security at the binary level. In particular, I want to automatically find vulnerabilities in low-level code, using static and dynamic analyses such as symbolic execution or fuzzing.
What I've done
2022-23 | ATER (Temporary Teaching and Research Associate) UFR Informatique and IRIF, Université Paris Cité |
2021-22 | Préparation à l'agrégation informatique Sorbonne Université et al. |
2017-21 | PhD CEA List and LMF, Université Paris-Saclay |
2012-17 | Student Université Paris-Saclay |
Where you might have seen me
Other than the work and studying places mentioned above, you might have seen me:- at various cybersecurity conferences, such as SSTIC, GreHack or GDR sécurité events ;
- at BlackHoodie workshops, either attending or organizing them ;
- teaching, previously in Université Paris-Saclay, Université Paris-Cité, and ENSTA ParisTech ;
- in random places around Orsay, Paris, and now Rennes ;).