Tristan Allard ORCID iD
	    icon, Ph.D., HDR

Associate Professor
Univ Rennes, CNRS, IRISA

Short Biography and Research Interests

I am a maître de conférences (close to associate professor) since September 2014 at Univ Rennes, CNRS, Irisa. I defended my habilitation à diriger les recherches thesis (HDR for short) in April 2024 about contributions to privacy-preserving data intensive systems (link to the manuscript coming soon). Before that, I was a postdoctoral researcher at the Inria Zenith team in Montpellier. I conducted my Ph.D. thesis in Computer Science in the Inria SMIS team and received it from the University of Versailles in December 2011.

The volume, variety, and velocity of digital personal data are increasing at a fast pace. Enabling both daily uses and large-scale analysis of personal data while preserving individuals' privacy is a key challenge in building a knowledge society. My research interests lie within this wide field. I am particularly interested in the combination of differential privacy with cryptography (privacy-preserving data querying, privacy-preserving crowdsourcing, privacy-preserving data mining). And recently I got diverted by the study of browser fingerprints for web authentication.

  • Databases (Licence and Master students, preparation to "agrégation", high-school teachers).
  • Security of databases (Master students).
  • Privacy (Licence and Master students).
  • PEPR Cyber IPoP (2022-2028): participant, responsible of the deliverable L4.2.
  • ANRT CIFRE (2020-2023, with Enedis): principal investigator.
  • CNRS MITI DRIAS (2020-2021): participant.
  • CNRS MITI TRIA (2020): participant.
  • UIA RUDI (2019-2022): participant.
  • Cominlabs PROFILE-INT (2019-2020, extension to the PROFILE project): principal investigator.
  • Cominlabs PROFILE (2016-2019): participant, responsible Task 1.2.
  • ANR JCJC Crowdguard (2016-2021): principal investigator.
  • CNRS PEPS P4CROWD (2016): principal investigator.
Reviewing and Expertise
  • PC Member: SIGMOD 2025, VLDB 2024, SEC@SAC 2024, SIGMOD 2022, BDA 2021, DBSEC 2021, BDA 2020, SSS 2020, AKDM 2020, ECML PKDD 2019.
  • Reviewer: for various database or cybersecurity conferences and journals (VLDBJ, IEEE TKDE, KDD, ECML PKDD, DAPD, EDBT, DBSEC, BDA, etc).
  • Expertise: for ANR (French national research agency) and NSERC (Canadian national research agency).
Conference Organization
  • Seminars: Co-head of the SoSySec cybersecurity seminars (2021-ongoing, one or two talks per month).
  • Conference chairs: BDA 2023 (demonstration chair).
Invited Talks
These talks were not given for a general audience. See the dissemination Section for my works dedicated to a general audience.
  • Seminars: GT PVP (2023), EDUC (2021), Investigation Numérique (2020), SoSySec (2020).
  • Conferences or research events: Codeine (2022), GDR Sécurité (2019), Profile (2019), Headwork (2018), Shonan meeting (2018), JPRED (2018), IODE (2017), RESSI (2017), CAPPRIS (2015).
  • Summer/winter schools: Cyberschool's winter school (2024), BDA MDD (2022, 2016).
  • Industrial forums: FIC (2021).
  • Talks (general audience): European cyber week (2023), Ateliers du CERES (2023), Journées RGPD de la CNIL (2023), Rencontres SHS-Cyber (2021), Rencontres du projet RUDI (2021), Temps fort du projet RUDI (2020), Festival des libertés du numérique (2020, 2019, 2018).
  • Hands-on workshops: Rencontres du projet RUDI (2021).
  • Scientific dissemination journals: Pour la Science (2021, 2013).
Services to the Community

Technical support of the website of the French database community (2020-ongoing).


Tristan Allard
Univ. Rennes - Irisa Laboratory
263 avenue du général Leclerc
35000 RENNES

+33 299 842 531
Tristan [dot] Allard [at] irisa [dot] fr