Reading Timbuk's output
Here is the plus.txt specification.
Ops plus:0 s:1 o:0 app:2
Const s o
Vars X Y
app(app(plus,o),X) -> X
app(app(plus,s(X)),Y) -> s(app(app(plus,X),Y))
Automaton A1
States qf qp qp2 qi qnz
Final States qf
app(qp,qi) -> qf
app(qp2,qnz) -> qp
plus -> qp2
o -> qi
s(qi) -> qi
s(qi) -> qnz
Automaton TC
States qi
Final States qi
o -> qi
s(qi) -> qi
If we run
timbuk --fun 10 plus.txt
we obtain the following output:
FunExperiments % timbuk --fun 30 plus.txt
term height= 1
term height= 2
term height= 3
term height= 4
Rejected: 1
Generated equations:
s(s(X)) = s(X)
app(X,Y) = app(X,Y)
o = o
s(X) = s(X)
plus = plus
app(app(plus,o),X) = X
app(app(plus,s(X)),Y) = s(app(app(plus,X),Y))
Automaton projected on constructor terms:
States q23 q28
Final States q23
o -> q28
s(q23) -> q23
s(q28) -> q23
Regular expression:
Step: 7
Automaton complete!
Proof done!
Exported comp.res file
Exported comp.res.epsi file
Completion time: 0.011018 seconds
Equation generation time: 0.00446 seconds
where we can see the set of generated equations, the automaton
projected on constructor terms (i.e. the aproximation of the result
language of the function call), the same language expressed as a simplified regular expression
(when it is possible to produce such an expression). Then, Step:
7 means that 7 steps of completion were necessary to complete
the automaton. Finally Proof done! means that the terms
declared in the Patterns section are not reachable, thus
that our property is true. Finally Timbuk output several result
files, in particular the comp.res
file which contains every detail about the proof. This file is used
by the checker to certify the