Co-Head of the Research track of the first year of Master in
Computer Science (M1) 2013-2021.
Head of first year of Master in Computer Science (M1) 2009-2012.
L1: Algorithmic and complexity analysis (theoretical and practical
point of view). See
the ACE
page (in french and restricted access)
L3: Security of software and
protocols (Cryptographic protocol verification in Proverif and
implementation in Typescript). See SECU
(in french and restricted access).
M1: Formal Methods (B and Why frameworks, PVS and Isabelle/HOL
proof assistants). See the ACF page (Lecture on Formal Design
using Isabelle/HOL and Scala).
M2: A short course on the Ethereum blockchain and Solidity programming. See
the BLK page.
Software Engineering (2014-2023). You can find
here teaching material including videos, slides,
etc. (in french)
Functional programming
Object Oriented Programming, UML, Design patterns
First order logic, rewriting and proof by induction in proof
Introduction to cryptographic Protocols and their
verification. (If you are french speaking, you can find here Teaching material)