Generating Term Rewriting Systems with Copster (by Nicolas Barré)

This document is the reference documentation of Copster. For any question or comment you can send an email to

Language bases
Term creation and manipulation
Getting a subterm
Making substitutions
Incrementing a term
Retrieving the position of a subterm
Merging two lists
Rules generation
Imperative constructions
Conditional statements
Terms modifications
Copster variables scoping
Environment imports
The Java byte code Environment
Naming conventions
Quick semantic overview
Imported data structures
The stubs classes
A sample code
Copster command line
Provided outputs
Error Management
Index of reserved expression keywords
Index of instruction keywords


Copster is a language designed to easily manipulate terms in order to generate rewriting rules. In Copster, the data structures are only terms and lists.

In the rewriting theory, a term is either an operator with a null arity, either a variable intended to substitute any term, or an operator with a non null arity containing other terms. The use of variables makes sens only in rewriting rules. For instance, if we consider the number '1' expressed in peano notation i.e. succ(zero), zero is an operator of null arity and succ is an operator of arity 1. Then we can define some rules describing the addition between two natural integers :

where X and Y are variables and => defines a rewriting relation between the left and right sides of the rule.

Copster allows to create terms without writing them down explicitly. For instance if we want to consider the number '100' in Peano notation, we'd like to find a better way than writing succ(succ(succ(...(zero)))) in a file... With Copster we simply do :

set x = zero;
for i from 1 to 100
  set x = succ($x);
Then we can assert that x contains the requested value.

Copster was first designed to generate rewriting systems from a Java byte code program, in order to model its execution on the Java Virtual Machine in rewriting logic. The generated rewriting systems depend on a semantics for the JVM and on the program itself. The semantics of the programming language is defined through a set of generic Copster rules. Then, starting from those rules and a given byte code program, Copster produces a term rewriting system encoding the complete execution of the program in rewriting logic. After that, the execution of the program can be simulated in a rewriting tool.

Copster principle
Copster principle

Generally, in the programs designed to manipulate rewriting logic, the operators are given a type. For instance, in Maude1 we should declare zero, succ and add2 as follows :

sort Natural .
op zero : -> Natural
op succ : Natural -> Natural
op add2  : Natural Natural -> Natural

In Copster, we can't specify a type for the operators we define. Thus every operator is a function taking Term type arguments and returning a Term. In counterpart, we don't need to declare the operators in Copster, they are inferred.

The operations we can currently do on terms with Copster are very basic. It's possible to :

We define the syntax and see examples of use of those operations in the further sections.

Now let us define the bases of the Copster language and see how we can ease the description of a semantics through templates of term rewriting systems.

Language bases

This section describes the syntax of the Copster language, and provides sample codes.

Term creation and manipulation

Copster aims to generate terms rewriting systems, which means a set of operators, variables and rewriting rules. As we introduced it in the preamble, operators and variables don't need to be declared. When writing a term, the operators and variables which appear for the first time are registered in the system. Then when encountering an operator again, a consistency check is done on the arity. It's possible to store terms in Copster variables in order to build other terms or to apply transformations on them.

Explicit construction

set x = zero;
set y = succ($x);
set z = add2(var(x),$x);
This simple sample code shows several features. The first instruction sets the Copster variable x to the term zero. Then we set y to succ(zero). The $ character is used to refer to a Copster variable. Finally, z expresses the addition between a rewriting system variable and the Copster variable x. The generated term looks like add2(X,zero). In the following, we distinguish between Copster variables like the ones above and rewriting system variables. In the last instruction we can see that rewriting system variables are boxed by the var keyword. Otherwise they are understood as operators.


A sequence is a list of terms. A list is a term without a root symbol. list(zero,zero,succ(zero)) is a term, (zero,zero,succ(zero)) is a list of terms i.e. a sequence.

There are three predefined ways to build sequences :

Getting a subterm

Getting a subterm from a term or list can be achieved thanks to getn primitive.

set x = seq(a,3);
set y = getn($x,3);
puts a2 in y.

Making substitutions

It's often useful to get a copy of a term where one or more subterms have been replaced by others. This is what we call substitutions.

set x = cseq(zero,3);
set y = subsn($x,1,succ(zero));
puts (zero,zero,zero) in x and (succ(zero),zero,zero) in y.

Getting terms length and symboldepth

The length of a term is it's number of direct subterms. The length of a list is it's number of elements. The expression len((succ(zero),zero)) is evaluated to 2.

Starting from the root symbol f of term t, symboldepth computes the length of the longest path in t where each node is labelled by f. Invoking symboldepth on a list makes no sense. symboldepth returns at least 1 for any term. The symboldepth of cons(a,cons(succ(succ(succ(zero))),cons(c,nil))) is 3.

Incrementing a term

set x = a0;
set y = add($x,3);
defines y = a3. Obviously the same primitive can be used to make the addition of two integers.

Retrieving the position of a subterm

set x = (zero,succ(zero),succ(succ(zero)),succ(zero));
set r = mem(succ(zero),$x);
At the end, r is 4 because the mem primitive browses a term until its end. When looking for a subterm which is not present, the result of mem is the term val_false.

Concatenation constructions

There are two concatenation primitives proposed by Copster :

Indeed, op takes as first argument a root identifier and try to concatenate the second argument, whereas the second argument of concat is necessarily a list whose elements will be concatenated one by one to the first argument.

It's possible to write many inconsistent forms with these constructions, but errors will be thrown when evaluating the terms. For instance, concat(add2,((zero),(zero))) should generate add2(zero)(zero) which has no meaning and raises an error.

The difference between the first argument of op and concat is that op can also take a Copster variable instead of an explicit root identifier. In that case, the Copster variable must refer to an unsigned operator to avoid errors :

set s = useq(u,3);
set x = getn($u,1);
set y = getn($u,2);
set r1 = op($x,(zero));
set r2 = op($y,(zero,zero));
works, and sets r1 to u0(zero) and r2 to u1(zero,zero).


set x = u0;
set r = op($x,(zero));
doesn't work because u0 is declared with arity 0 by the first instruction and op tries to give it arity 1.

Merging two lists

The append primitive builds the concatenation of two lists. For instance, append((zero,zero),(succ(zero))) is the list (zero,zero,succ(zero)).

Rules generation

Copster is an interpreter of copster source code which holds basic data structures during code processing :

We'll discuss later about the scoping of Copster variables, however it's important to notice that operators, variables and rewriting rules can only been added and never deleted from Copster held data structures.

There is a single instruction to generate a rewriting rule :

The genrule primitive takes as arguments any expressions that can be evaluated to a term.

Imperative constructions

Until now we've had an overview of Copster showing instructions separated by semi-colons in a very imperative way. Indeed, Copster is mainly imperative and furthermore doesn't allow recursive constructions. Fortunately Copster handles iterations on variables or sequences and comparisons between terms.


Here is an example of a for loop :

set x = cseq(zero,3);
set y = zero;
for i from 1 to len($x)
  set y = succ($y);
  set x = subsn($x,$i,$y);
At the end of the for loop, x has the value (succ(zero),succ(succ(zero)),succ(succ(succ(zero))))

It's also possible to iterate on sequences :

set x = ((add2(var(x),zero),var(x)),(add2(var(x),succ(var(y))),succ(add2(var(x),var(y)))))
for r in $x

Conditional statements

In Copster, everything is considered true except the val_false term.

set x = (zero,succ(zero),succ(zero));
for i from 1 to len($x)
  if (getn($x,$i) = zero) then
  ) else
generates the rules :

The else clause is optional and can be replaced by a semi-colon.

Inside a conditionally statement, the following comparison operators are allowed : =, <, >, <= and >=.

Furthermore, in conditional statements, logical operators like && and || are allowed and the expressions are evaluated according to their writing order. For instance, the expression val_true && val_false || val_true is false, and the expression val_true && (val_false || val_true) is not allowed by the language syntax. Such expressions can be boxed by a not primitive.

However, if necessary, such conditions can be encoded before an if statement as follows :

set x = and(val_true,or(val_false,val_true));
if ($x) then (

Terms modifications

We've seen in former sections that we could create new terms from an existing one by getting a direct subterm or making substitutions. There also exists a primitive setn to substitute a subterm in place.

set x = (a,b,c,d);
setn (x,1) = e;
At the end, x = (e,b,c,d). The last instruction is equivalent to set x = subsn($x,1,e); but is more concise.

Copster variables scoping

In Copster, the scoping is lexical, except for variables contained in function definitions that we'll see next. The instruction let ... in allows to build a new context which is destroyed at the end.

set x = 1; (* defines x = 1 in the toplevel *)
let x = 3 and y = 2 in (
generates the rule numpred(3) => 2. At the end x = 1 and y doesn't exist any more.

The instruction set x defines a new Copster variable x in the toplevel, only if x is not already defined in any enclosing context. Otherwise, a bottom-up lookup is processed through the context stack and the first occurrence found of x is modified.


We don't distinguish between functions and procedures in Copster meaning that every expression of the language must be an instruction and vice versa. That's why we need to define a result expression for instructions which don't return a value. Like in Lisp dialects, it is the empty list (). A function returns the expression associated to its last instruction.

defun f(a) =
  let b = add($a,1) in

returns a + 1.

As we mentioned it in the previous subsection, the scoping is dynamic for functions. Indeed the syntax of a function is checked during it's definition but its content is interpreted only during the function call. Calling a function is done the same way than referring to variables except you have to provide the list of parameters.

defun f(a) =
  let b = add($a,$c) in

set c = 5;
set r = $f(2);
This sample works even if c isn't defined before the function definition, and r = 7 at the end.

Environment imports

An environment is a set of operators, variables, Copster variables and rewriting rules. Thus importing an environment means merging such a set with the current environment. An environment can come from an other Copster source file (e.g. modules), or can be natively defined in Copster in order to serve any purpose. There currently exists only one kind of native import in Copster, meeting our first needs on Java byte code programs.


Copster allows modular programming by splitting code into multiple files. a module may include another, otherwise module environments are totally isolated.

(* file definitions.rex *)
set x = a0;
set y = (succ(zero),zero);
(* file main.rex *)
load ./definitions.rex
Relative paths are allowed.

Loading a module is merging its environment with the current one, it's to say adding the Copster variables, operators, variables and rules which are not already defined in the current environment. If one of the imported elements is inconsistent according to the current environment, an appropriate error is raised.

The Java byte code Environment

Importing an environment built from a Java byte code program is done by invoking the primitive import java_bytecode. The program name and location are not written in Copster source file but are given as parameters to Copster command line as shown in Copster command line section.

The aim is to express a Java Virtual Machine semantics in Copster. That's why we have to import an environment containing everything we could need in order to write this semantics. For instance, we have to know classes names, methods names, fields names and a lot of information associated to them.

Naming conventions

First, we need to define a naming convention in order to avoid collisions between program symbols, coming from a Java byte code program, and the operators defined by the user in a Copster source file. By convention, all operators coming from a Java program are bracketed with <>. For instance, the class java.lang.Object will create three operators, <java>, <lang> and <Object>. Thus by convention if you don't refer to a program symbol and you want to avoid collisions you mustn't name your operators with that kind of brackets.

Copster is able to export the generated rewriting systems in Timbuk and Maude formats. However those formats don't allow the use of characters < and >, that's why Copster relies on a renaming process to generate valid output. The renaming algorithm is very simple, it consists in suppressing the brackets and if a collision is found, in incrementing a counter concatenated to the operator symbol until collisions are resolved.

Quick semantic overview

The Java imported data structures depends on the semantics we chose to describe classes, methods, fields and their attributes. So let us present it quickly.

Consider the following class in the package java/lang :

class String extends Object{
    public char charAt(int i){...};
    public int length(){...};
    public String substring(int){...};
The class java.lang.String is represented by the term ConsName(<java>, ConsName(<lang>, ConsName(<String>, NilName))).

The methods are represented by the terms

The ConsName operator is used to build a class name qualified with its package name, the operator ConsType represents a list of types.

Moreover we also define a Field constructor whose arguments are the class name, the field name and the field type. For instance, Field(ConsName(<A>,NilName),<x>,TInt) represents a field x of type int in a class A.

There exist other operators to represent basic types : TShort, TBool, TDouble, TFloat, Tlong, TByte, void.

The classes, methods and fields attributes are represented by the operators AccDefault, AccPublic, AccPrivate, AccAbstract, AccNative, AccStatic and AccSynchronized.

Imported data structures

The imported data structures are terms lists contained in Copster variables. We don't need to import rewriting rules because these structures provide all the information required to build the rules we want to express.

Here are the imported Copster variables :

Moreover, we import variables such as nb_insts, nb_classes, nb_fields, nb_methods, nb_fields_per_classes and nb_methods_per_classes even if they can be retrieved by using the primitive len on the appropriate variables.

The stubs classes

The classes belonging to the Java API can be declared in a special file with .jstub extension. This file contains classes, fields and methods signatures using a syntax very close to Java. For instance here is the stubclasses.jstub file that we use to generate a term rewriting system from a Java program :

/** stubclasses.jstub file **/

public class java.lang.Object{
    void <init>{};

public class extends java.lang.Object{

public class extends java.lang.Object{
    public int read{};

public class extends java.lang.Object{
    public void println{int};
    public void println{char};
    public void println{java.lang.String};

public class java.lang.System extends java.lang.Object{
    public static in;
    public static out;

public class java.lang.String extends java.lang.Object{
    public native char charAt{int};
    public native java.lang.String concat{java.lang.String};
    public native int length{};
    public native java.lang.String substring{int};

public class java.lang.StringBuilder extends java.lang.Object{

public class java.lang.Thread extends java.lang.Object{
    public void <init>{};
    public void start{};
    public void join{};

public class java.lang.InterruptedException extends java.lang.Object{

Some classes are empty when they are present in the byte code but we don't provide any implementation yet (e.g the exception classes).

The implementation of the classes declared in the stubclasses.jstub file is done in a Copster source file.

A sample code

We present here a full example of the imported environment when considering a very simple program.

Consider the following program :

class A{
  int x;
  void foo(){;}
  void bar(){x=1;}

class B extends A{
  void bar(){x=2;}

class M{
  public static void main(String[] argv){
    A o1 = new A();
    A o2 = new B();

The imported variables are :

Copster command line

This section presents the copster command usage. If you type copster -help in a terminal, you can see :

~/> copster -help
Usage : copster -aterms filename [-rules file] [-sysname expr] [-maude file]
[-timbuk file] [-screen-width size] [-javaclass file] [-stubs file]
  -rules specifies the rules file (default : rules.rex)
  -aterms specifies the aterms result file
  -maude specifies the maude result file
  -timbuk specifies the timbuk result file
  -sysname specifies the name of the system (default : S)
  -classpath specifies the classpath where to search for .class files
        Must be placed before -javaclass option
  -javaclass specifies the .class file to import
        Must not contain the .class extension
  -stubs specifies the file where are defined stubs
  -no-recompile If the aterms file is already generated,
                it's not useful to parse the java class file again
  -screen-width specifies the max size of lines in result files
  -debug prints information useful for debugging
  -help  Display this list of options
  --help  Display this list of options

Example of usage :

./build/copster -rules ./rules/monothread/rules.rex -stubs ./rules/stubclasses.jstub -classpath ./tests/ -javaclass Ex1 -aterms result.aterms -maude result.maude

Provided outputs

The main output is the Aterms format and is specified as follows :

#### Example.aterms ###
      ... ]), ...])

The term rewriting system is given a name (S by default), but this is not used yet.

Specifying a -aterms argument to copster is compulsory because the others output formats are built from the Aterms format. There are two others output formats, Maude and Timbuk, where files are given after -maude and -timbuk options, respectively.

It possible to generate Maude and Timbuk outputs later, independently of any byte code program. For this you need to specify the previously generated Aterms file and use the -no-recompile option.

Example : ./copster -aterms result.aterms -maude res_maude.maude -timbuk res_timbuk.timbuk --no-recompile

Error Management

Copster handles syntax and execution errors. In both cases, a stack trace is printed, giving the filenames and the instructions lines numbers which lead to the error.

Moreover, there is a very useful -debug option which prints the content of operators list, variables list and Copster variables list when the program stops its execution, normally or abnormally.

Index of reserved expression keywords

The expression keywords are reserved. It means that you can't use them directly in order to create terms. For instance, if you want to generate the rule add(X,zero) => X you must write genrule(op(add,(var(x),zero)),var(x)). Otherwise add is understood as the addition primitive.

Index of instruction keywords

1. see the Maude project