BLK : Blockchain, Ethereum and Solidity
Thomas Genet
Course material and
Course slides
myUnsafe1.sol contract to attack (locally, in your browser)
myUnsafe2.sol contract to attack (locally, in your browser)
MyCurrency contract to attack (on Goerli)
This will be evaluated
Get the source and try to find the flaw in the contract deployed in your browser
When you located the flaw, attack the deployed version of the contract
The objective is to add your
full name
to the list of winners returned by the function
(before march 25)
MyBank contract to attack (on Goerli)
This will be evaluated
Get the source and try to find the flaw in the contract deployed in your browser
When you located the flaw, attack the deployed version of the contract
The objective is to add your
full name
to the list of winners returned by the function
(before march 25)
Contract to program, deploy, and validate in EtherScan
This will be evaluated