ISTIC-IRISA, Campus de Beaulieu 35042 Rennes Cedex tél : 02 99 84 74 60 fax : 02 99 84 71 71 |
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Current position
Research Interest
My research interests revolve around design tools and technique for complex hardware/software systems. This includes (among others) compiler optimizations for High-Level-Synthesis, automatic parallelisation using polyhedral compilation techniques and hardware assisted Dynamic Binary Translation.
- UE PFO : Principles of Computer Design
See my DBLP entry.
Past research Projects
- FP7 ALMA project (2011-2015)
- H2020 ARGO project (2016-2019)
Software tools
Research related
- The Hybrid Dynamic Translation framework : Hybrid-DBT is a hardware acceletared Dynamic Binary Translation Framework operating from RISC-V binaries and targeting customisable VLIW, as do Transmeta and Denver NVIDIA CPUs.
- The Gecos Source to Source compiler infrastructure : Gecos is a C source-to-source compiler framework developped in Java/EMF which we use in our High Level Synthesis research activities.
Teaching related
- Logisim-evolution with FSM : this is a fork from logisim evolution with an additional extension for capturing/editing/simulating FSM we use for teaching purposes.
- ScanExam is a grading assistant open-source software for digitized exams, sharing similarities with tools such as gradescope
Current PhD Students
- Thibaut Marty (with Tomofumi Yuki) started in september 2017
- Cong Minh Thanh (with François Charot) started in June 2017
- Corentin Ferry (with Tomofumi Yuki & Sanjay Rajopadhye) started in september 2019
- Louis Narmour (with Tomofumi Yuki & Sanjay Rajopadhye) started in september 2019
- Jean-Michel Gorius (with Simon Rokicki) starting in september 2021
Former PhD Students
- Gaël Deest, currently engineer at Tweag I/O
- Simon Rokicki, currently assistant professor at ENS Rennes
- Benjamin Rouxel, currently Post-doc at University of Amsterdam
- Ali El Moussawi, currently engineer at Synopsys
- Naeem Abbas, assistant professor at National University of Sciences & Technology (NUST)
- Antoine Morvan, research engineer at INSA Rennes
- Vivek D. Tovinakere, engineer at Nvidia Corporation
- Adeel Pasha, assistant professor at Lahore University Pakistan
- Clément Guy, engineer at INRIA till 2016