Véronique Cortier, Stéphanie Delaune, and Pascal Lafourcade. A Survey of Algebraic Properties Used in Cryptographic Protocols. Technical Report 2, projet RNTL PROUVÉ, 2004. 19 pages
Using the perfect encryption assumption, cryptographic primitives are often represented by free function symbols. However some attacks and even honest runs may use algebraic properties of the operators like the exclusive or, the modular exponentiation, the addition, etc.
We give here a survey of protocols and attacks using such algebraic properties.
@techreport{Prouve:rap2, abstract = {Using the \emph{perfect encryption assumption}, cryptographic primitives are often represented by free function symbols. However some attacks and even honest runs may use algebraic properties of the operators like the exclusive or, the modular exponentiation, the addition, etc.\par We give here a survey of protocols and attacks using such algebraic properties.}, author = {Cortier, V{\'e}ronique and Delaune, St{\'e}phanie and Lafourcade, Pascal}, institution = {projet RNTL PROUV{\'E}}, month = jun, note = {19~pages}, number = {2}, title = {A Survey of Algebraic Properties Used in Cryptographic Protocols}, year = {2004}, nmonth = {6}, lsv-category = {cont}, wwwpublic = {Delaune, St{\'e}phanie}, }