Module "Verification and Testing of Embedded Systems" (VTS)

Head: Sophie Pinchinat
Keywords: operational models, timed systems, automata, logics, infinite games, component-based systems, interface, verification, testing, control-flow graph, coverage, oracle.
Pre-requisites: propositional logic, graph and automata theories and algorithms, basic notions of computational complexity.


Computer-system design currently relies on complex assemblages of interacting components, which communicate and share resources in order to achieve services; their use in safety-critical situations calls for systemic modelling, verification and testing methodologies to check both functional requirements (the expected services, functionalities, and features, independent of the implementation) and non-functional requirements (performance like timing, power consumption, execution constraint, memory use, size, weight, and robustness like fault tolerance, accessibility of resources, resistance to failure or to attack, etc.), knowing that the major sources of complexity are concurrency, real time and uncertainty.

Formal verification methodologies rely on formal modelling (capturing the relevant features of the system and its desirable properties) followed by algorithmic analysis. The cooperative / adversarial interaction between concurrent components of a system (or the system and its testing environment) can be modelled as a multi-players game. The real time feature requires models that combine discrete state transitions and continuous state evolutions. Uncertainty in the environment is naturally modelled by probabilistic state changes. Testing, while being the most used validation technique to assess the quality of embedded systems, often remains an ad hoc process. But despite its experimental nature, testing can be formal too, relying on models of software artefacts and well-founded theories, and can then be (partly) automated using algorithmic analysis and synthesis (based on symbolic execution, constraint solving and verification techniques). This is encompassed by the term model-based testing of the literature.

The first part of the course provides the students with fundamental notions in formal modelling and related algorithmic analysis, while developing their skill to use/design appropriate formalisms, and their discernment to evaluate whether these formal frameworks are amenable to effective methods.
The second part of the course focuses on testing, more precisely on automated test selection, from code models (white-box, structural testing) and from specification models (black box, conformance testing). The goal is to show that formalization can seriously improve testing automation.

Lectures and material on Structural Testing (6h)

Lectures and material on Conformance Testing (4h)

  • Material Lecture1, Lecture2
  • Bibliography
  • Lectures and material on Timed Automata (4h)

    Lectures and material on Automata, Logics and Infinite Games (6h)