Rennes - Bretagne Atlantique Research Center 

I am an Inria research scientist within the Myriads team. Before that I was a member of the STACK team. I was a PhD. student working with Prof. Hai Jin in the Services Computing Technology and System Laboratory (SCTS) at Huazhong University of Science & Technology (HUST). From November 2011 to September 2013, I was a Post-Doc researcher within the KerData team working on scalable Big Data managements on clouds. Since October 2013, I was hired as a permanent research scientist at Inria. I have several years of experience with academic research at HUST, Inria research center and Microsoft research center in Asia.
I regularly serve as a Program committee member for international conferences in cloud, HPC and parallel and distributed systems (ACM/IEEE SC, IEEE ICDCS, IEEE IPDPS , IEEE ICPP, IEEE Cluster, ACM/IEEE CCGrid). Moreover, I have served as a General chair for the 6th International Parallel Data Systems Workshop; as a General co-chair for the 6th IEEE International Conference on Smart Data; and as Program chair for the 5th International Parallel Data Systems Workshop and the 2018 IEEE International Congress on Big Data; as a Program co-chair for the 23rd IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications, the 2019 IEEE BigDataSE, the 2019 IEEE International Conference on Smart Data, the CEBDA 2018 Workshop, the 2017 ICA3PP conference, the 2017 EBDMA Workshop, the PhD consortium of the 2014 CloudCom conference; as the Workshop co-chair for ScalCom 2014 and ICDCS 2020; and as Publicity co-chair for ICPP 2021. Most recently I am serving as a steering committee member for the International Parallel Data Systems Workshop, as track co-chair for the Software track of ICPP 2022, as a program vice-chair of the 2022 IEEE International Conference on Digital Twin, as Publicity co-chair for SBAC-PAD 2022, and as an associate editor for the IEEE Internet Computing magazine.
My current research interests are in cloud and Fog/Edge computing, scalable Big data management, Data- Intensive computing, HPC, virtualization technology, and file and storage systems. My papers are published in prestigious international journals (such as IEEE TPDS, IEEE TBD, ACM ToPC, ACM TOMPECS and FGCS) and proceedings (such as ACM/IEEE SuperComputing, IEEE ICDCS, IEEE IPDPS, ACM VEE, ACM/IEEE CCGrid, IEEE Cluster and ICPP). I am the recipient of the IEEE TCSC Award for Excellence in Scalable Computing (Middle Career Researcher) in 2020. I am currently leading the ANR KerStream project and the Hermes Inria-LBNL associate team. I am a Senior member of the ACM and of IEEE.
Open Positions
We are hiring! Postdoc, Ph.D thesis, and Master internships are available. Interested students please contact me for further information. .
- [Post-Doc position] Research Topic: optimizing stream data application in the Fog (see details).
- [Two PhD Thesis] Resaerch Topics: energy-efficient data management in the Cloud (see details), reliable and cost-efficient data placement in P2P storage (see details).
- [Internsnips] Topics on Data management in distributed environments (see details).
Service (current)
- Guest editor of IEEE Network - The Magazine of Global Internetworking. Special Issue on Interplay Between Machine Learning and Networking Systems. (CFP)
- Progam co-chair for the Workshop on Challenges and Opportunities of Efficient and Performant Storage Systems (CHEOPS'23).
- Tutorials Deputy Chair for ISC 2023.
- Program committee for SC 2023 (Research papers and research posters), IPDPS 2023, Cluster 2023, Euro-Par'2023, SCALE Challenge@CCGrid'23, Practically FAIR Workshop@ICPE2023
- Co-chair for the Software track of ICPP 2022.
- Program Vice Chair for 2022 IEEE International Conference on Digital Twin (DigitalTwin 2022).
- Publicity Co-Chair of SBAC-PAD 2022.
- Program committee for SC 2022, IPDPS 2022, Cluster 2022, CCGrid 2022, HiPC 2022, ApSys 2022, PDSW 2022, and CHEOPS@Eurosys22.
- Associate editor of IEEE Internet Computing Magazine.
- Member of the steering committee of the Internatiuonal Parallel Data Systems Workshop.
- Program Co-Chair for the 23rd IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC-2021).
- General Chair for the 6th Internatiuonal Parallel Data Systems Workshop PDSW@SC2021.
- Program Co-Chair for the 2021 International Workshop on BigData Processing Systems (BDPS) @ ICDCS 2021.
- Publicity Co-Chair for the 50th International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP 2021), 2021, Chicago, USA.
- Program committee of the algorithm Track of IPDPS 2021, Distributed Big Data Systems and Analytics for ICDCS 2021, CCGrid 2021, Cluster 2021, ICPADS 2021, and IEEE Cloud Summit 2021.
- General chair for the 6th IEEE International Conference on Smart Data SmartData-2020.
- Program Chair for the 5th Internatiuonal Parallel Data Systems Workshop PDSW@SC2020.
- Program Vice-chair for the Architecture, Networking, Data Centers track of CCGrid 2020.
- Workshop Co-Chair for ICDCS 2020.
- Member of the Best Paper Award Committee for ACM HPCAsia 2020, Fukuoka, Japan, January, 2020.
Recent Highlights
- Dec 2022: I was named an ACM Distinguished Member.
- [Program co-chair] I am serving as Program Co-Chair for the Workshop on Challenges and Opportunities of Efficient and Performant Storage Systems (CHEOPS'23)
- [Guest Editor] I am serving as guest editor of IEEE Network - The Magazine of Global Internetworking. Special Issue on Interplay Between Machine Learning and Networking Systems. CFP
- [Tutorials Deputy Chair] I am serving as Tutorials Deputy Chair for ISC 2023.
- [Program committee] I am on the program committee of SC 2023 (Research papers and research posters), IPDPS 2023, Cluster 2023, Euro-Par'2023, SCALE Challenge@CCGrid'23, Practically FAIR Workshop@ICPE2023.
- [Paper] 2022: Our paper on Privacy-Preserving Graph Processing in Geo-Distributed Data Centers is accepted in SoCC 2022.
- [Work in Progress] 2022: our work in progress on revisiting Data Partitioning in Data-Intensive Workflows is accepted in PDSW'22.
- [Track Chair] I am a track co-chair for the Software track of ICPP 2022.
- [Program Vice Chair] I am serving as a Program Vice Chair for 2022 IEEE International Conference on Digital Twin (DigitalTwin 2022).
- [Publicity Chair] I am serving as a publicity co-chair for SBAC-PAD 2022.
- [Steering committee] I will be serving as a member of the steering committee of the Internatiuonal Parallel Data Systems Workshop.
- [Program committee] I am on the program committee of SC 2022,IPDPS 2022, Cluster 2022, CCGrid 2022, HiPC 2022, ApSys 2022, PDSW 2022, and CHEOPS@Eurosys22.
- [Paper] 2022: Our paper on Understanding the performance of erasure codes in hadoop distributed file system is accepted in CHEOPS@EuroSys2022 .
- [Paper] 2022: Our work on Stragglers’ Detection in Big Data Analytic Systems: The Impact of Heartbeat Arrival is accepted as a short paper (poster) in CCGrid 2022.
- [Paper] 2022: Our paper on Container-aware I/O stack: bridging the gap between container storage drivers and solid state devices in ACM VEE 2022.
- PhD Thesis 2022/23: One PhD thesis is available in collaboration with Hive. PhD (see details)
- [Invited talk] June 2022: Time to Revisit Erasure Codes in Data-intensive Clusters.The 6th edition of the Performance and Scalability of Storage Systems workshop (Per3S).
- Principal Investigator for the AVEN - Stream Data processing in shared Fog environment (Regional support: 56,000 EUR). Post-Doc position is available (see details)
- PhD Thesis 2022: Represneting Inria and the Myriads team in the Storage sub-project of the Inria-OVHCloud Challenge “Defi Inria OVHCloud”. PhD thesis is open (see details)
- Dec 2021: I was named Senior Member By IEEE.
- [Program Chair] I will be serving as Program Co-Chair of the The 23rd IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC-2021).
- [General Chair] I am serving as General Chair for the 6th Internatiuonal Parallel Data Systems Workshop PDSW@SC2021.
- 2021: Congrats to Thomas Lambert, who joined Universite de Lorraine as Associate Professor.
- [Journal Editorship] I am serving as an associate editor of IEEE Internet Computing Magazine.
- [Paper] 2021: Our paper on Enabling Efficient Container Storage and Deployment with a New Image Format is accepted in ICDCS 2021.
- [Paper] 2021: Our paper on Taming System Dynamics on Resource Optimization for Data Processing Workflows: A Probabilistic Approach is accepted by IEEE TPDS.
- [Awards] Dec 2020: 2020 IEEE TCSC Award for Excellence in Scalable Computing (Middle Career Researcher).
- Dec 2020: I was named Senior Member By ACM.
- [Steering committee] I will be serving as a member of the steering committee of the Internatiuonal Parallel Data Systems Workshop.
- [Program Co-Chair] I am serving as Program Co-Chair for the 2021 International Workshop on BigData Processing Systems (BDPS) @ ICDCS 2021.
- [Publicity Co-Chair] I am serving as publicity Co-Chair for the 50th International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP 2021), 2021, Chicago, USA.
- [Program committee] I am on the program committee of the algorithm Track of IPDPS 2021, Distributed Big Data Systems and Analytics for ICDCS 2021, CCGrid 2021, and Cluster 2021.
- [Certificate of Appreciation] December 2020: Certificate of Appreciation for having been the Workshop Chair in ICDCS 2020.
- [Awards] November 2020: Outstanding Leadership Award as general co-chair of the SmartData-2020.
- 2020: Congrats to Orcun Yildiz, a PhD graduate I co-advised (2014-2017) is now an assistant scientist at ANL.
- 2020: Congrats to Jad Darrous, a PhD graduate I co-advised (2016-2019) is now a software engineer at TALEND, France.
- [Paper] July 2020: Our paper on rethinking Operators Placement of Stream Data Application in the Edge is accepted in ACM CIKM 2020.
- [Guest Editor] I am serving as guest editor of the Journal of Grid Computing – From Grids to Cloud Federations. Special Issue on Orchestration of computing resources in the Cloud-to-Things continuum.
- [General Chair ] I am serving as a General Chair for the 6th IEEE International Conference on Smart Data SmartData-2020.
- [Program Chair] I am serving as a program Chair for the 5th Internatiuonal Parallel Data Systems Workshop PDSW@SC2020.
- [Award Committee] January2020: Member of the Best Paper Award Committee for HPCAsia 2020.
- [Program Vice-Chairs] I am serving as a program Vice-chair for the Architecture, Networking, Data Centers track of CCGrid 2020.
- [Workshops Co-Chair] I am serving as a Workshop co-chair ICDCS 2020.
- [Track Co-Chair] I am serving as a track co-chair for the Data, Storage and Visualization Track of HPCAsia 2020.
- [Program committee] I am on the program committee of the Data Analytics, Visualization & Storage Track of SC 2020, Poster track of SC 2020, Distributed Big Data Systems and Analytics of ICDCS 2020, Scalable Systems and Software track of HiPC 2020, ICA3PP 2020, Data and Knowledge Management track@FiCloud 2020, HPSC 2020, BDPS@ICDCS 2020, HPBDC@IPDPS’20, and COMPAS 2020.
- Dec 2019: Congrats to Jad Darrous, the 3nd PhD graduate (I co-advised), who will be joining Inria as a research engineer!
- [Press: Interview] Oct 2019: Inria emergences, Un intergiciel post-Hadoop pour gérer les flux de données.
- [Paper] Oct 2019: Our paper on Cost-Aware Partitioning for Efficient Large Graph Processing in Geo-Distributed Datacenters is accepted in IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems.
- [Paper] Sep 2019: Our paper on Exploiting the Power of Choice for Efficient Shuffling in MapReduce is accepted in IEEE Transactions on Big Data.
- [Awards] July 2019: Outstanding Leadership Award as program co-chair of the SmartData-2019.
- [Paper] July 2019: Our paper on revisiting Erasure Coding in Data-intensive clusters is accepted in IEEE Mascots 2019.
- [Award Committee] May 2019: Member of the Best Paper Award Committee for CCGrid 2019.
- [Paper] May 2019: Our paper on Incorporating Probabilistic Optimizations for Resource Provisioning of Data Processing Workflows is accepted in ICPP 2019.
- [Paper] May 2019: Our paper on the Importance of container images placement for service provisioning in the Edge Low-Latency Data Stream Processing is accepted in ICCCN 2019.
- [Paper] April 2019: Our paper on When FPGA-accelerator meets Stream Data Processing in the Edge is accepted in ICDCS 2019.
- [Paper] April 2019: Our paper on Evaluating Straggler Detection Mechanisms in MapReduce is accepted in ACM Transactions on Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Computing Systems.
- [Paper] Jan 2019: Our paper on NCQ-Aware I/O Scheduling for Conventional Solid State Drives is accepted in IPDPS 2019.
- [Program Co-Chair] 2019: I am serving as a program co-chair of the Smart Data-2019.
- [Program Co-Chair] 2019: I am serving as a program co-chair of the IEEE BigDataSE 2019.
- [Track Co-Chair] I am serving as track co-chair for the Cloud Computing Track of CCGrid 2019.
- [Workshop Co-Chair] 2019: I am serving as a workshop co-chair of the third International workshop on the Convergence of Extreme Scale Computing and Big Data Analysis CEBDA 2019.
- [Associate editor] I am serving as a young associate editor of the Springer Frontiers of Computer Science journal.
- Principal Investigator of the Hermes associate team between Inria and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
- [Award] 2018: my appliaction to the "Programme Jeunes Talents France Chine" was accepted.
[Paper] 2018: Our paper on Energy-Efficient Speculative Execution using Advanced Reservation is accepted in
ICPP 2018.
- [Paper] 2018: Our paper on Dual-Paradigm Stream Processing is accepted in ICPP 2018.
- [Paper] 2018: Our paper on Low-Latency Data Stream Processing is accepted in ICDCS 2018.
- [Paper] 2018: Our paper on Network-Aware Virtual Machine Image Management in Geo-Distributed Clouds is accepted in CCGrid 2018.
- [Paper] 2018: Our paper on the Performance of Spark on HPC Systems is accepted in SupercomputingAsia 2018 SCA18. Best Paper Candidate.
- [Paper] 2018: Our paper on Improving the effectiveness of burst buffers for big data processing in HPC systems is accepted in FGCS Journal 2018
[Workshop Co-Chair] 2018: I am serving as a workshop co-chair of International workshop on the Convergence of Extreme Scale Computing and Big Data Analysis
CEBDA 2018.
[Guest editor] 2018: I am serving as a guest editor of Springer FGCS - Special Issue on the Convergence of Extreme Scale Computing and Big Data Analysis (
[Program Committee] 2018: I am serving as a program committee of the Data Analytics, Visualization & Storage Track of
SC 2018, Poster track of
SC 2018, PDSW-DISCS@SC 2018,
IPCCC 2018, Edge Computing and Distributed Cloud of
CloudCom 2018,
ICA3PP 2018, the Cloud Computing Track of
CCGrid 2018, the Data Analytics, Visualization & Storage Track of
SCA 2018, the Forensics and Analytics Track of
Trust-Com 2018, Big Data Applications track of
Innovate-Data 2018,
- [Track Co-Chair] I am serving as track co-chair for the Big data management and scalable storage technologies track of the 6th International Conference on Emerging Internet, Data & Web Technologies EIDWT 2018.
Principal Investigator of the connect Talent project (Apollo), budget 201,000 EUR.
- Congrats to Orcun Yildiz, the 2nd PhD graduate (I co-advised), who will be joining ANL as Post-doc reasercher!
- Congrats to Tien-Dat Phan, the 1st PhD graduate (I co-advised), who will be joining Dassault System!
- Congrats to Ameile Chi Zhou, who joined ShenZhen University as an Assistant Professor.
- [Award] 2017: I received Outstanding Leadership Award as program chair of the ICA3PP-2017.
- [Award] 2017: my appliaction to the "Programme Jeunes Talents France Chine" was accepted. .
- [Panel] 2017: panelist in the 'Big Data and Analytics' panel at NSS-ICA3PP-CIT 2017.
[Invited talk] 2017: I gave a talk on Big Data Processing in the Cloud: Hadoop and Beyond at
RESCOM 2017 Summer school.
[Paper] 2017: Our paper on Energy-Driven Straggler Mitigation in MapReduce is accepted in
Euro-par 2017.
[Paper] 2017: Our paper on the Effectiveness of Burst Buffers for Big Data Processing in HPC systems is accepted in
Cluster 2017 (Short paper).
[Paper] 2017: Our paper on Efficient Data Transfer for Graph Processing in Geo-Distributed Datacenters is accepted in
ICDCS 2017 (Applications and Experiences Track).
[Paper] 2017: Our Paper on Characterizing Performance and Energy-efficiency of The RAMCloud Storage System is accepted in
ICDCS 2017 (Applications and Experiences Track).
[Guest editor] 2017: I am serving as a guest editor of
IEEE Transactions on Big Data - Special Issue on the Integration of Extreme Scale Computing and Big Data Management and Analytics (
[Program Co-Chair] 2017: I am serving as a program co-chair of the
ICA3PP 2017.
[Workshop Co-Chair] 2017: I am serving as a workshop co-chair of 1st Workshop on the Integration of Extreme Scale Computing and Big Data Management and Analytics
EBDMA 2017.
[Program Committee] 2017: I am serving as a program committee of the
PDSW-DISCS 2017, Systems and Architectures Track of
ISPA 2017, Distributed Cloud Track of
CloudCom 2017,
NetBOS2017, the Data Analytics, Visualization & Storage Track of
SC 2017, the Doctoral Showcase of
SC 2017, the Data, Storage, and Visualization Track of
Cluster 2017, The Algorithms Track of
HiPC 2017, The Storage and I/O Track of
CCGrid 2017, The Cloud Computing and Data Center Management Track of
I-SPAN 2017, the
FCST 2017.
Principal Investigator of the ANR JCJC project (KerStream), budget 238,000 EUR.
[Tutorial] 2016: Tutorial on reen Big Data Processing using Hadoop at the at the
Europar 2016 conference, Grenoble, France (with
Anne-Cécile Orgerie).
[Paper] 2016: Our paper on Addressing Performance Variability in Data Management for Post-Petascale Simulations is accepted in ACM Transactions on Parallel Processing.
[Paper] 2016: Our book chapter: A Taxonomy and Survey of Scientific Computing in the Cloud is accepted in Big Data: Principle and Paradigms, Wiley press, 2016.
[Paper] 2016: Our paper on On the energy footprint of I/O management in Exascale HPC systems is available online in FGCS 2016.
[Paper] 2016: Our paper on Enabling fast failure recovery in shared Hadoop clusters is available online in FGCS 2016.
[Paper] 2016: Our paper on the Root Causes of Cross-application I/O Interference in HPC Storage Systems is published in IPDPS 2016.
[Service] Starting from 2015 I am acting as the Chief Scientist for the Rennes site of
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