- Time elastic metric spaces
- Machine learning, pattern analysis and recognition
- Time series and symbolic sequence data mining
- Text mining
- Phase and amplitude variability and decoupling in time series
- Anomaly detection, intrusion detection
- Time series classification, regression, clustering and averaging
- Movement analysis and recognition
- Text classification, clustering and summarizing
Some recent results:
Forest of random partitioning trees for point-wise and collective anomaly detection (DiFF-RF)
Separation of shape and time in time series: application to handwritten signature verification (STS2)
Sequence Covering Similarity for sequence procesing using a suffix tree implementation (STree4CS)
Hybrid Isolation Forest (HIF)
The Regularized Dynamic Time Warping Kernel (KDTW)
Time series averaging and denoising using a probabilistic perspective on time elastic kernels
Denoising time series using the previous probabilistic perspective
PhD Students:
- Alexis Blandin, co-supervised with Dr. Jeanne Villaneau, IRISA and Dr. Farida Said-Hocine, LMBA
- Esso-Ridah Bleza, co-supervised with Prof. Valérie Monbet, IRMAR
- Valentin Durand de Gevigney, co-supervised with Dr. Arnaud Delhaye and Dr. Damien Lolive, IRISA
Past PhD Students:
- Oussama Ahmia, co-supervised with Dr. Nicolas Béchet, IRISA
- Nicolas Bloyet, co-supervised with Prof. Emmanuel Frénod, LMBA
- Stefania Pecore, co-supervised with Dr. Jeanne Villaneau, IRISA and Dr. Farida Saïd-Hocine, LMBA
- Cedric Fayet, co-supervised with Dr. Arnaud Delhaye and Dr. Damien Lolive
- Marc Dupont, co-supervized with Philippe Gosset, Thales Optronics
- Pamela Medrano Careno, co-supervised with Prof. Sylvie Gibet, IRISA
- Vu Hai Hieu, co-supervised with Dr. Jeanne Villaneau, IRISA and Dr. Farida Said-Hocine, LMBA
- Guiyao Ke
- Nicolas Bonnel, co-supervized with Dr. Gildas Ménier, VALORIA
- Muhammad Marwan Muhammad Fuad
- Eugen Popovici, co-supervized with Dr. Gildas Ménier, VALORIA
- Claude de Loupy, co-supervized with Prof. Marc El Bèze, LIA