- Former head, now member of the research team Shaman at IRISA.
- Full Professor of Computer Science at ENSSAT, University of Rennes 1.
Research topics
- Database fuzzy querying, preference queries
- Cooperative answering
- Fuzzy database summaries
- Uncertain databases
Research projects
- SEA DEFENDER: Detecting and Explaining Maritime Suspicious Events (Joint research project funded by the Direction Générale de l’Armement, DGA RAPID, 2020-2023). With Semsoft.
- CREDOC: Control and Tracking of Financial Transactions in the Context of Martitime Transportation (Joint research project funded by the Conseil régional de Bretagne (FEDER), 2018-2020). With Semsoft, CLS, and HSBC.
- FORUM: A Semantic-Based Mediation System for Large Scale Applications (Joint research project funded by ANR, 2006-2009).
- IntelSearch: Intelligent access to multimedia data in a VOD context (Projet PME du pôle de compétitivité Images et Réseaux, 2011-2012, with Semsoft)
- ODIN: Open Data INtelligence (Projet DGA RAPID, 2014-2018)
- 360 Predict: Conception of a web tool for predictive scoring (Projet PME du pôle de compétitivité Images et Réseaux, 2014-2015, with PredicSis and Semsoft)
- GioQoso: Quality Management of Open Musical Scores (Projet PEPS Mastodons, 2016-2018, with CNAM/CEDRIC, CNRS/IReMus, and CESR)
Some publications
Fuzzy Preference Queries to Relational Databases, Imperial College Press, 2012, with a foreword by R.R. Yager
Flexible Approaches in Data, Information and Knowledge Management, Springer, 2014, with a foreword by Henri Prade
NoSQL Data Models — Trends and Challenges, ISTE, 2018
Editorial Boards
- Journal of Intelligent Information Systems
- Fuzzy Sets and Systems
- International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-based Systems
- Ingéniérie des Systèmes d'Information
Steering Committees / Advisory Boards
- International Conference on Flexible Query Answering Systems (FQAS)
- Rencontres Francophones sur la Logique Floue et ses Applications (LFA)
Program Committees
International Conference on Flexible Query Answering Systems
(FQAS 1996, FQAS 1998, FQAS 2000, FQAS 2002, FQAS 2004, FQAS 2006, FQAS 2009, FQAS 2011, FQAS 2013, FQAS 2015 (PC Co-Chair), FQAS 2017, FQAS 2019, FQAS 2021, EUSFLAT-FQAS 2023) - ACM Symposium on Applied Computing
(SAC 2007, SAC 2008, SAC 2009, SAC 2010, SAC 2011, SAC 2012, SAC 2013, SAC 2014, SAC 2015, SAC 2016, SAC 2017, SAC 2018, SAC 2019, SAC 2020, SAC 2021, SAC 2022, SAC 2023, SAC 2024,) - International
Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems
(ISMIS 2011, ISMIS 2012, ISMIS 2014, ISMIS 2015 (PC Co-Chair), ISMIS 2017, ISMIS 2018, ISMIS 2020, ISMIS 2022) - IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (Fuzz-IEEE 2013,
Fuzz-IEEE 2015 (Area Chair),
Fuzz-IEEE 2016,
Fuzz-IEEE 2019,
Fuzz-IEEE 2020,
Fuzz-IEEE 2021,
Fuzz-IEEE 2022,
Fuzz-IEEE 2023)
- International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering (WISE 2015,
WISE 2016,
WISE 2018)
- IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE 2007)
- IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Systems (IS 2010)
- IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI 2013, SSCI 2014)
- International Conference on Scalable Uncertainty Management
(SUM 2009, SUM 2011, SUM 2012, SUM 2013, SUM 2014, SUM 2016, SUM 2017 (PC Co-Chair), SUM 2018, SUM 2019) - International
Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in
Knowledge-Based Systems (IPMU 2010,
IPMU 2014,
IPMU 2016,
IPMU 2018,
IPMU 2020,
IPMU 2022,
IPMU 2024)
- European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology Conference (EUSFLAT 2011,
EUSFLAT 2023),
- World Congress of the International Fuzzy Systems Association / Conference of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology (IFSA-EUSFLAT 2015, IFSA-EUSFLAT 2021, EUSFLAT-FQAS 2023)
- Joint 17th World Congress of International Fuzzy Systems Association and 9th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems (IFSA-SCIS 2017)
- International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications
(DEXA 2013, DEXA 2014, DEXA 2015, DEXA 2016) - East-European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems
(ADBIS 2015)
Workshop on the Management of Uncertain Data
(MUD 2007, MUD 2008, MUD 2009, MUD 2010, MUD 2011) - DEXA
Workshop on Flexible Database and Information System Technology
(FlexDBIST 2007, FlexDBIST 2008, FlexDBIST 2009, FlexDBIST 2010, FlexDBIST 2011) - International Conference on Fuzzy Management Methods (ICFMsquare'16)
- WI/IAT Workshop on Soft Approaches to Information Access on the Web (SAIAW 2009, SAIAW 2010)
- Workshop of the EURO Working Group on Fuzzy Sets (EUROFUSE 2002)
- 9th Fuzzy Days in Dortmund (Fuzzy days 2006)
- 5th International Conference on Intelligent Networking and Collaborative Systems (INCoS 2013)
- Journées Bases de Données Avancées
(BDA 1996, BDA 2001, BDA 2004, BDA 2006, BDA 2009, BDA 2011, BDA 2020) - 17e Conférence internationale sur l'Extraction et la Gestion des Connaissances (EGC 2017)
- Congrès INFORSID
(INFORSID 2000, INFORSID 2003, INFORSID 2007, INFORSID 2011, INFORSID 2018) - Rencontres Francophones sur la
Logique Floue et ses Applications
(LFA 2002, LFA 2003, LFA 2004, LFA 2006 (PC Chair), LFA 2007, LFA 2008, LFA 2009, LFA 2010 (OC Chair), LFA 2011, LFA 2012, LFA 2013, LFA 2014, LFA 2015, LFA 2016, LFA 2017, LFA 2018, LFA 2019, LFA 2020, LFA 2021, LFA 2022, LFA 2023, LFA 2024) - 8e Colloque Africain sur la Recherche en Informatique (CARI 2006)
- 1ère Conférence sur les Technologies de l’Information, de la Communication et de la Géolocalisation dans les Transports (CoGIST 2009)
- Atelier "Big Data et Intelligence Artificielle" (BigIA 2016)
Ph.D. students (recent)
- Véronne Yepmo, "Contribution to Anomaly Detection and Explanation: A Unified Method based on Isolation Forest", December 20, 2023. Supervisors: G. Smits and O. Pivert
- Aurélien Moreau, "How Fuzzy Set Theory can Help Make Database Systems more Cooperative", June 29, 2018, University of Rennes 1. Supervisors: O. Pivert and G. Smits
- Olfa Slama, "Flexible Querying of RDF Databases: a Contribution Based on Fuzzy Logic", November 22, 2017, University of Rennes 1. Supervisors: O. Pivert and V. Thion
- William Correa, "Discovery and exploitation of analogical proportions in relational databases", July 18, 2016, University of Rennes 1. Supervisors: O. Pivert and H. Jaudoin
- Amine Mokhtari, "Système personnalisé de planification d'itinéraire unimodal: Une approche basée sur la théorie des ensembles flous", March 25, 2011, University of Rennes 1. Supervisors: O. Pivert and A. Hadjali
- Leonid Tineo, "A contribution to database flexible querying: Fuzzy quantified queries evaluation", February 13, 2006, University Simon Bolivar, Caracas, Venezuela. Supervisors: O. Pivert and P. Bosc
Master's students (recent)
- Cyril Moineau, "On the use of multidimensional histograms for summarizing massive data", June 2020, University of Rennes 1. Supervisors: G. Smits, O. Pivert, and P. Nerzic
- Emmanuel Doumard, "Answering fuzzy queries using DB views", June 2018, University of Rennes 1. Supervisors: G. Smits, O. Pivert, and V. Thion
- Etienne Scholly, "Data-quality-based preference queries in a graph database context", June 2017, University of Rennes 1. Supervisors: V. Thion and O. Pivert
- David Mahéo, "Flexible querying of graph databases", June 2015, University of Rennes 1. Supervisors: O. Pivert and V. Thion
- Aurélien Moreau, "Related answers based on fuzzy typical associations", June 2014, University of Rennes 1. Supervisors: O. Pivert and G. Smits
- Carmen Brando, "Semantic proximity between predicates: Application to the empty answer problem", June 2009, University of Rennes 1. Supervisors: O. Pivert and H. Jaudoin
- Nadia Liétard, "Evaluation de requêtes possibilistes faisant intervenir une différence ensembliste", September 2004, University of Rennes 1. Supervisors: P. Bosc and O. Pivert
- Amit Shukla, "Explaining Data Properties", (March 2019 to September 2020, with G. Smits).
- Ahmed Abid, "Cooperative Answering on Linked Data” (October 2017 to October 2018, with G. Smits).
- Khadim Dramé, "Coarse to Fine Keyword Queries” (January to October 2015, with G. Smits).
- Algorithmics (L3 level, M1 level)
- Databases (L3 level)
- Fuzzy preference queries (M2R level)