[ABB+16] José Bacelar Almeida, Manuel Barbosa, Gilles Barthe, François Dupressoir, and Michael Emmi. Verifying Constant-Time Implementations. In USENIX Security'16, pages 53-70. Usenix Association, August 2016.
  author =              {Almeida, Jos{\'e} Bacelar and Barbosa, Manuel and
                         Barthe, Gilles and Dupressoir, Fran{\c c}ois and
                         Emmi, Michael},
  title =               {Verifying Constant-Time Implementations},
  editor =              {Holz, Thorsten and Savage, Stefan},
  booktitle =           {{P}roceedings of the 25th {USENIX} {S}ecurity
                         {S}ymposium ({USENIX} {S}ecurity'16)},
  acronym =             {{USENIX} {S}ecurity'16},
  publisher =           {Usenix Association},
  pages =               {53-70},
  year =                {2016},
  month =               aug,
List of authors