[DBR67] George B. Dantzig, W. O. Blattner, and M. R. Rao. Finding a Cycle in a Graph with Minimum Cost to Time Ratio with Application to a Ship Routing Problem. In Pierre Rosenstiehl (eds.), Theory of Graphs. Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, 1967.
  author =              {Dantzig, George B. and Blattner, W. O. and Rao, M.
  title =               {Finding a Cycle in a Graph with Minimum Cost to Time
                         Ratio with Application to a Ship Routing Problem},
  editor =              {Rosenstiehl, Pierre},
  booktitle =           {Theory of Graphs},
  publisher =           {Gordon and Breach Science Publishers},
  pages =               {77-84},
  year =                {1967},
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