[TH00] Heikko Tauriainen and Keijo Heljanko. Testing SPIN's LTL Formula Conversion into Büchi Automata with Randomly Generated Input. In SPIN'00, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1885, pages 54-72. Springer-Verlag, August 2000.
  author =              {Tauriainen, Heikko and Heljanko, Keijo},
  title =               {Testing {SPIN}'s {LTL} Formula Conversion into
                         {B}{\"u}chi Automata with Randomly Generated Input},
  editor =              {Havelund, Klaus and Penix, John and Viser, Willem},
  booktitle =           {{P}roceedings of the 7th {I}nternational {SPIN}
                         {W}orkshop ({SPIN}'00)},
  acronym =             {{SPIN}'00},
  publisher =           {Springer-Verlag},
  series =              {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  volume =              {1885},
  pages =               {54-72},
  year =                {2000},
  month =               aug,
List of authors