[HJM+04] Thomas A. Henzinger, Ranjit Jhala, Rupak Majumdar, and Kenneth L. McMillan. Abstractions from Proofs. In POPL'04, pages 232-244. ACM Press, January 2004.
  author =              {Henzinger, Thomas A. and Jhala, Ranjit and Majumdar,
                         Rupak and McMillan, Kenneth L.},
  title =               {Abstractions from Proofs},
  editor =              {Jones, Neil D. and Leroy, Xavier},
  booktitle =           {Conference Record of the 31st {ACM}
                         {SIGPLAN}-{SIGACT} {S}ymposium on {P}rinciples of
                         {P}rogramming {L}anguages ({POPL}'04)},
  acronym =             {{POPL}'04},
  publisher =           {ACM Press},
  pages =               {232-244},
  year =                {2004},
  month =               jan,
List of authors