[GPS+80] Dov M. Gabbay, Amir Pnueli, Saharon Shelah et Jonathan Stavi. On the Temporal Analysis of Fairness. In POPL'80, pages 163-173. ACM Press, janvier 1980.
  author =              {Gabbay, Dov M. and Pnueli, Amir and Shelah, Saharon
                         and Stavi, Jonathan},
  title =               {On the Temporal Analysis of Fairness},
  booktitle =           {Conference Record of the 7th {ACM} {S}ymposium on
                         {P}rinciples of {P}rogramming {L}anguages
  acronym =             {{POPL}'80},
  publisher =           {ACM Press},
  pages =               {163-173},
  year =                {1980},
  month =               jan,
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