[CCM+20] Riccardo Colini-Baldeschi, Roberto Cominetti, Panayotis Mertikopoulos et Marco Scarsini. When is selfish routing bad? The price of anarchy in light and heavy traffic. Operations Research 68(2):411-434. Informs, avril 2020.
  author =              {Colini{-}Baldeschi, Riccardo and Cominetti, Roberto
                         and Mertikopoulos, Panayotis and Scarsini, Marco},
  title =               {When is selfish routing bad? {T}he~price of anarchy
                         in light and heavy traffic},
  publisher =           {Informs},
  journal =             {Operations Research},
  volume =              {68},
  number =              {2},
  pages =               {411-434},
  year =                {2020},
  month =               apr,
  doi =                 {10.1287/opre.2019.1894},
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