[WMR+23] Zijun Wu, Rolf H. Möhring, Chunying Ren et Dachaun Xu. A convergence analysis of the price of anarchy in atomic congestion games. Mathematical Programming 199(1):937-993. Mai 2023.
  author =              {Wu, Zijun and M{\"o}hring, Rolf H. and Ren, Chunying
                         and Xu, Dachaun},
  title =               {A~convergence analysis of the price of anarchy in
                         atomic congestion games},
  journal =             {Mathematical Programming},
  volume =              {199},
  number =              {1},
  pages =               {937-993},
  year =                {2023},
  month =               may,
  doi =                 {10.1007/s10107-022-01853-0},
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