[BJS+12] Nathalie Bertrand, Thierry Jéron, Amélie Stainer et Moez Krichen. Off-line test selection with test purposes for non-deterministic timed automata. Logical Methods in Computer Science 8(4). 2012.
  author =              {Bertrand, Nathalie and J{\'e}ron, Thierry and
                         Stainer, Am{\'e}lie and Krichen, Moez},
  title =               {Off-line test selection with test purposes for
                         non-deterministic timed automata},
  journal =             {Logical Methods in Computer Science},
  volume =              {8},
  number =              {4},
  year =                {2012},
  doi =                 {10.2168/LMCS-8(4:8)2012},
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