[VW08] Moshe Y. Vardi et Thomas Wilke. Automata: from logics to algorithms. In Jörg Flum, Erich Grädel et Thomas Wilke (eds.), Logic and Automata: History and Perspectives, Texts in Logic and Games 2, pages 629-736. Amsterdam University Press, 2008.
  author =              {Vardi, Moshe Y. and Wilke, Thomas},
  title =               {Automata: from logics to algorithms},
  editor =              {Flum, J{\"o}rg and Gr{\"a}del, Erich and Wilke,
  booktitle =           {Logic and Automata: History and Perspectives},
  publisher =           {Amsterdam University Press},
  series =              {Texts in Logic and Games},
  volume =              {2},
  pages =               {629-736},
  year =                {2008},
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