[MBL+98] Hervé Marchand, Patricia Bournai, Michel Le Borgne et Paul Le Guernic. A Design Environment for Discrete-Event Controllers based on the SIGNAL Language. In SMC'98, pages 770-775. IEEE Comp. Soc. Press, octobre 1998.
  author =              {Marchand, Herv{\'e} and Bournai, Patricia and
                         Le{~}Borgne, Michel and Le{~}Guernic, Paul},
  title =               {A Design Environment for Discrete-Event Controllers
                         based on the {SIGNAL} Language},
  booktitle =           {{P}roceedings of the 1998 {IEEE} {I}nternational
                         {C}onference on {S}ystems, {M}an, {A}nd
                         {C}ybernetics ({SMC}'98)},
  acronym =             {{SMC}'98},
  publisher =           {IEEE Comp. Soc. Press},
  pages =               {770-775},
  year =                {1998},
  month =               oct,
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