[YPD95] Wang Yi, Paul Pettersson et Mats Daniels. Automatic verification of real-time communicating systems by constraint-solving. In FORTE'94, IFIP Conference Proceedings 6, pages 243-258. Chapman & Hall, 1995.
  author =              {Yi, Wang and Pettersson, Paul and Daniels, Mats},
  title =               {Automatic verification of real-time communicating
                         systems by constraint-solving},
  editor =              {Hogrefe, Dieter and Leue, Stefan},
  booktitle =           {{P}roceedings of the 7th {IFIP} {WG}6.1
                         {I}nternational {C}onference on {F}ormal
                         {D}escription {T}echniques ({FORTE}'94)},
  acronym =             {{FORTE}'94},
  publisher =           {Chapman \& Hall},
  series =              {IFIP Conference Proceedings},
  volume =              {6},
  pages =               {243-258},
  year =                {1995},
  confyear =            {1994},
  confmonth =           {10},
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