[EJT10] Michael Elberfeld, Andreas Jakoby, and Till Tantau. Logspace Versions of the Theorems of Bodlaender and Courcelle. In FOCS'10, pages 143-152. IEEE Comp. Soc. Press, October 2010.
  author =              {Elberfeld, Michael and Jakoby, Andreas and Tantau,
  title =               {Logspace Versions of the Theorems of {B}odlaender
                         and {C}ourcelle},
  booktitle =           {{P}roceedings of the 51st {A}nnual {S}ymposium on
                         {F}oundations of {C}omputer {S}cience ({FOCS}'10)},
  acronym =             {{FOCS}'10},
  publisher =           {IEEE Comp. Soc. Press},
  pages =               {143-152},
  year =                {2010},
  month =               oct,
  doi =                 {10.1109/FOCS.2010.21},
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