[BCD+11] Luboš Brim, Jakub Chaloupka, Laurent Doyen, Raffaella Gentilini et Jean-François Raskin. Faster algorithms for mean-payoff games. Formal Methods in System Design 38(2):97-118. Springer-Verlag, avril 2011.
  author =              {Brim, Lubo{\v s} and Chaloupka, Jakub and Doyen,
                         Laurent and Gentilini, Raffaella and Raskin,
                         Jean-Fran{\c c}ois},
  title =               {Faster algorithms for mean-payoff games},
  publisher =           {Springer-Verlag},
  journal =             {Formal Methods in System Design},
  volume =              {38},
  number =              {2},
  pages =               {97-118},
  year =                {2011},
  month =               apr,
  doi =                 {10.1007/s10703-010-0105-x},
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