[JT98] Birgit Jenner et Jacobo Torán. The Complexity of Obtaining Solutions for Problems in NP and NL. In Lane A. Hemaspaandra et Alan L. Selman (eds.), Complexity Theory Retrospective II. Springer-Verlag, 1998.
  author =              {Jenner, Birgit and Tor{\'a}n, Jacobo},
  title =               {The Complexity of Obtaining Solutions for Problems
                         in {NP} and {NL}},
  editor =              {Hemaspaandra, Lane A. and Selman, Alan L.},
  booktitle =           {Complexity Theory Retrospective~II},
  publisher =           {Springer-Verlag},
  pages =               {155-178},
  year =                {1998},
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