[CVW+91] Costas Courcoubetis, Moshe Y. Vardi, Pierre Wolper, and Mihalis Yannakakis. Memory-Efficient Algorithms for the Verification of Temporal Properties. In CAV'90, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 531, pages 233-242. Springer-Verlag, 1991.
  author =              {Courcoubetis, Costas and Vardi, Moshe Y. and Wolper,
                         Pierre and Yannakakis, Mihalis},
  title =               {Memory-Efficient Algorithms for the Verification of
                         Temporal Properties},
  editor =              {Clarke, Edmund M. and Kurshan, Robert P.},
  booktitle =           {{P}roceedings of the 2nd {I}nternational {W}orkshop
                         on {C}omputer {A}ided {V}erification ({CAV}'90)},
  acronym =             {{CAV}'90},
  publisher =           {Springer-Verlag},
  series =              {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  volume =              {531},
  pages =               {233-242},
  year =                {1991},
  confyear =            {1990},
  confmonth =           {6},
List of authors