[Var99] Moshe Y. Vardi. Probabilistic Linear-Time Model Checking: An Overview of the Automata-Theoretic Approach. In ARTS'99, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1601, pages 265-276. Springer-Verlag, May 1999.
  author =              {Vardi, Moshe Y.},
  title =               {Probabilistic Linear-Time Model Checking: An
                         Overview of the Automata-Theoretic Approach},
  editor =              {Katoen, Joost-Pieter},
  booktitle =           {{P}roceedings of the 5th {I}nternational {AMAST}
                         {W}orkshop on {F}ormal {M}ethods for {R}eal-{T}ime
                         and {P}robabilistic {S}ystems ({ARTS}'99)},
  acronym =             {{ARTS}'99},
  publisher =           {Springer-Verlag},
  series =              {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  volume =              {1601},
  pages =               {265-276},
  year =                {1999},
  month =               may,
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