[LLH18] Stéphane Lafortune, Feng Lin, and Christoforos N. Hadjicostis. On the history of diagnosability and opacity in discrete event systems. Annual Reviews in Control 45:257-266. Elsevier, 2018.
  author =              {Lafortune, St{\'e}phane and Lin, Feng and
                         Hadjicostis, Christoforos N.},
  title =               {On~the history of diagnosability and opacity in
                         discrete event systems},
  publisher =           {Elsevier},
  journal =             {Annual Reviews in Control},
  volume =              {45},
  pages =               {257-266},
  year =                {2018},
  doi =                 {10.1016/j.arcontrol.2018.04.002},
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