[CCM+94] Sérgio Vale Aguiar Campos, Edmund M. Clarke, Wilfredo R. Marrero, Marius Minea, and Hiromi Hiraishi. Computing Quantitative Characteristics of Finite-State Real-Time Systems. Technical Report CMU-CS-94-147, Computer Science Deparment, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, May 1994.
  author =              {Campos, S{\'e}rgio Vale Aguiar and Clarke, Edmund M.
                         and Marrero, Wilfredo R. and Minea, Marius and
                         Hiraishi, Hiromi},
  title =               {Computing Quantitative Characteristics of
                         Finite-State Real-Time Systems},
  number =              {CMU-CS-94-147},
  year =                {1994},
  month =               may,
  institution =         {Computer Science Deparment, Carnegie Mellon
                         University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA},
  type =                {Technical Report},
List of authors