[BCC+03] Armin Biere, Alessandro Cimatti, Edmund M. Clarke, Ofer Strichman, and Yunshan Zhu. Bounded Model Checking. In Marvin Zelkowitz (eds.), Highly Dependable Software, Advances in Computers 58, pages 117-148. Academic Press, 2003.
  author =              {Biere, Armin and Cimatti, Alessandro and Clarke,
                         Edmund M. and Strichman, Ofer and Zhu, Yunshan},
  title =               {Bounded Model Checking},
  editor =              {Zelkowitz, Marvin},
  booktitle =           {Highly Dependable Software},
  publisher =           {Academic Press},
  series =              {Advances in Computers},
  volume =              {58},
  pages =               {117-148},
  chapter =             {3},
  year =                {2003},
List of authors