I sometimes proudly announce that I have a broad field of interest in
Computer Science, so broad that I could even play a sort of Bingo game
with the chapters of the ACM. Well, this is it. This page summarizes
my current board
SIGSIM Simulation and Modeling
SIGOPS Operating Systems
- Poster at EuroSys'14 (conference of "SigOPS in Europe")
SIGHPC High Performance Computing
- Workshop Paper co-located with ACM SIGHPC SuperComputing'18.
- Workshop Paper co-located with ACM SIGHPC SuperComputing'17.
- Workshop Paper co-located with ACM SIGHPC SuperComputing'13.
SIGCSE Computer Science Education
- Paper at ItiCSE'15 (Conference on Integrating Technology into Computer Science Education)
Ok, that may not be a winning board so far, but I'm on it. I would like to reinforce my positions on these chapters with additional contributions, and also to add SIGMETRICS (Measurement and Evaluation), SIGLOG (Logic and Computation) and maybe SIGITE (Information Technology Education) to the list.