Current teachings

Most of my teachings are in French. They all happen at ENS Rennes.

  • Technical teachings
    • Sys1: C programming and networking (L3S1).
    • Prog2: C++ language and software engineering (L3S2).
    • ProgSys: System programming.
    • HPC: High performance computing (M1S1).
    • The shutorial is a tutorial to learn the basics of the shell in a controlled environment
  • Methodological teachings (all materials are on the same page).
    • Teaching practice: Conducting a teaching in primary school (L3S2) and Inventing CS unplugged activities (M2S1). See also this page.
    • Research methodology: Finding and conducting a research internship (L3S2), reading the bibliography and presenting a scientific work (M1S1).

L3S1: last year of bachelor (L3), winter semester; L3S2: last year of bachelor (L3), spring semester; M1S1: first year of master (M1), winter semester; M1S2: first year of master (M1), spring semester; M2S1: last year of master (M1), winter semester.

Past teachings

  • The Programmer's Learning Machine, a free programming exerciser to learn Java, Python or Scala through over 200 exercises providing a fast and graphical feedback.
  • Retrogames: one-week project for the freshly enrolled students.
  • Scala: Scala programming.
  • C second language: C programming for those already fluent in another programming language.
  • AlgoProg: Algorithms and programming, for beginners.
  • My past teaching (2005-2015) in Nancy are collected elsewhere.