This page contains some stuff somehow related to my researches, but not very serious. They are actually intended to be funny, sorry for being such a geek...
Scientific genealogy
I investigated my scientific genealogy a bit. Here is what I came up with in this meta-research operation:
- I graduated at the ENS-Lyon on the december, 11th 2003. My subject was "High performance computational servers in a metacomputing context". My advistor was:
- Frédéric Desprez. He did graduate in 1994 at the INP-Grenoble and the ENS-Lyon. His subject was "Basic Routines for Scientific Computing on Distributed Memory Parallel Machines". His advisor was:
- Bernard Tourancheau. His advisor was:
- Michel Cosnard. He did graduate in 1983 at the Grenoble University. His advisor was:
- Francois Robert. He did graduate in 1968 at the university of Grenoble. His advisor was:
- Noel Gastinel (1925-1984). He defended his PhD on "Matrices du second degré et normes générales en analyse numérique linéaire" the december, 12th 1960 at the Grenoble University. His advisor was:
- Jean Kuntzmann (1912-1992). He graduated in 1940 on the subject " Contribution à l'étude des systèmes multiformes" at the University of Paris. He was one of the first computer scientist and applied mathematicien in France (see also here).
I didn't go any further since I feel like a Computer Scientist, not a Mathematician, so the roots of my scientific genealogy in mathematics seem less relevant to me, but if you are interested, click here to continue exploring this genealogy further on the Mathematics Genealogy Project. The proof is that my Erdös Number is 4: me, Emmanuel Jeannot, Michel Cosnard, Gabriel M. Silberman, Paul Erdös. That's rather high for a non-infinite value of that ranking.
Yeah, such rankings are completely ridiculous, but not much more than the h-index or the i10 index