This page contains informations about and for the students doing research with me. The interns will find here informations about internship positions currently available, while sub-pages gather some generic links on methodology and a description of the methodology I like to follow with my students. Other people will find the list of the students that are currently working with me and the ones who worked with me in the past.
Open positions
Research Internships
Currently (July 2024), I have two open engineering positions, for 24 months contracts:
- Development of an Experimental Hardware Platform (Devboard) for a Frugal Smartphone (french version)
- Development of an Embedded Software environment for a Frugal Smartphone (french version)
I also have one open position for prospective engineers master students (M1):
- Rendu d’applications web pour smartphone low-tech Web renderign for low-tech smartphones (master level).
Past Students
PhD students
- Clément Courageux-Sudan (2023): End-to-end simulation of the energy consumption of fog infrastructures and their applications.
- Adrien Gougeon (2022): Optimizing a dynamic and energy efficient network piloting the electrical grid. Manuscript on HAL.
- Loïc Gueguan (2021): Scalable end-to-end models for the time and energy performance of Fog infrastructures. Manuscript on HAL.
- The Anh Pham (2019): Efficient state-space exploration for asynchronous distributed programs (Adapting unfolding-based dynamic partial order reduction to MPI programs). Manuscript on HAL and slides.
- Marion Guthmuller (2015): Dynamic formal verification of temporal properties on legacy distributed applications. Manuscript on HAL and slides
- Sabina Ahktar (2012): Verification of Distributed Algorithms using PlusCal-2. Manuscript.
- Cristian Rosa (2011): Performance & Correctness Assessment of Distributed Systems. Manuscript (on HAL) and slides
M2 Internship
- Mathieu Laurent. Directed DPOR for the verification of asynchronous distributed systems. Master de Science Informatique Fondamentale (M2 SIF) de Rennes. Co-advised with Thierry Jéron. Manuscript.
M2 Internship
Léo Cosseron. TANSIVTx: Time-Accurate Network Simulation Interconnecting VMs with Hardware Virtualization Towards Stealth Analysis. Master de Science Informatique Fondamentale (M2 SIF) de Rennes. Co-advised with Louis Rilling and Matthieu Simonin. Manuscript.
Grégory Gobin. Bounded Unfolding-based Dynamic Partial Order Reduction. Master de Science Informatique Fondamentale (M2 SIF) de Rennes. Co-advised with T. Jéron. Manuscript.
Pierre-Antoine Rouby. The MBI Bug Initiative: Extension for MPI Hazard errors. Master d'informatique fondamental de l'université de Bordeaux, co-advised with Emmanuelle Saillard, Inria Bordeaux. Manuscript.
M1 Internship
- Joseph Cabrita, Clément Courageux-Sudan, Jean-Michel Gorius, Quentin Le Dilavrec. Survey of Software Interception Techniques in the Context of Cloud Applications. Manuscript.
Master Internship
Betsegaw Lemma (M2 EIT Digital Rennes1), Simulating Energy-Aware Networks in Large-Scale Distributed Systems. Report, slides.
Mehdi Azaro, Khaled Baouz, Camille Barbe, Jules Cohonner (M2 MIAGE Rennes1), Simplification du code existant de la Programmer’s Learning Machine. Rapport (French), slides (French), demo1, demo2.
Stage 1A (Licence 3 at ENS Rennes)
- Simon Bihel, Specifying the Experimental Scenarios for Simulated Cloud Studies. LabBook, Report, Slides.
Master internships
- Louisa Bessad (UPMC, Paris), Real-time online emulation of real applications on SimGrid with Simterpose Rapport, Slides (in French).
Stage Telecom Nancy 2A découverte de la recherche
- Remédiation automatisée de masse sur la PLM (in French). sujet, rapport, slides.
- Détection d'élèves en difficulté sur la PLM (in French). sujet, rapport, slides.
Stage 2A (Master 1 at Telecom Nancy)
- Service de compilation isolé pour la PLM, rapport.
- Mass Error Mediation in a Learning Environment, rapport, english slides, french slides.
- Mise en place d'un environnement de qualification pour la plateforme PLM, rapport, slides.
Stage DUT
- Portage web d'un exerciseur de programmation. rapport, slides
- Langage visuel pour un exerciseur. rapport, slides.
- Conception et réalisation d'un éditeur d'exercices de programmation. rapport, slides.
Master internships
- Stéphane Castelli (M2R Enseirb Bordeaux): Routage hypercube et simulation infiniband Rapport (in French).
- Chloé Macur (Master 1 École Polytechnique):
Emulation through Simulation with Simterpose.
(topic proposed as a postdoc the year before, in vain)
proposal, manuscript, slides (in French).
Stage Telecom Nancy 2A découverte de la recherche
- Serveur d'application pour la Programmer's Learning Machine (in French). sujet, rapport, presentation.
- Programmation visuelle en Scratch dans la PLM (Visual Programming with Scratch in the PLM) proposal (stage non attribué).
- Outil de visualisation dynamique pour la vérification d'applications distribuées dans SimGrid (Online visualization of the SimGrid's model-cheker) proposal, rapport (in French).
- Ajout du langage C dans la PLM rapport (in French).
stage ESIAL 3A
- Guillaume Serrière (Telecom Nancy, final internship): Parallel and Distributed Simulation of Large-Scale Distributed Applications. proposal, rapport (in French).
Stage ESIAL 2A découverte de la recherche
- Julien Bastian, Geoffrey Humbert. Programmation pour débutants dans JLM (Bridging JLM and SNM). Sujet, rapport.
- Alexandre Frantz et Richard Guerci. Mode enseignant dans la Java Learning Machine (Teacher mode in JLM). Sujet, rapport, slides.
- Clément AUDAM et Héloise ROMET. Simulation transparente d'applications Java RMI (Seamless Simulation of Java RMI applications in SimGrid). Sujet, Rapport.
Internship Inria
- Maximiliano Geier, from University of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Leveraging multiple experimentation methodologies to study P2P broadcast.
Proposal. Planned period: 09/2012 and 02/2013.
Stage long 2A ESIAL
- Guillaume Serrière. Real-time online emulation with Simterpose.
Proposal, Report. - Marc Pinhède. Implementation of a compilateur from PlusCal to TLA+ with Tom.
Proposal (in french), report (in english), slides (in english). - Jean-Baptiste Hervé. Modèles stochastiques dans SimGrid et DistEm.
Proposal, rapport, slides.
Stage technicien DUT
- Samuel Lepetit. Implémentation d'algorithmes pair à pair et
amélioration des interfaces utilisateur sur le simulateur SimGrid
Rapport, Slides.
Stage ESIAL 2A découverte de la recherche
- Julien Vaubourg, Nicolas Bouget. Sauvegarde de données Pair-à-Pair sur les boîtiers d'un FAI. Sujet, rapport, slides.
- Nicolas Mazurkiewicz, Guillaume Serrière. Plate-forme pour l'enseignement des systèmes informatiques en C. Sujet, slides
- Guillaume Gérard, Adrien Siebert, Julien Guepin. Console pour l'enseignant dans la Java Learning Machine. Sujet, rapport, slides.
- Etienne Marban, Marion Le bras. Amélioration de la plate-forme JLM pour l'enseignement de la programmation orientée objet. Sujet, rapport, slides.
M2R Loria / stage ESIAL 3A
- Marion Guthmuller. Initial subject:
Time parallel simulation and/or state-full model-checking with DWARF
(sujet). This subject evolved
during the internship toward: Study of Legacy Distributed
Applications through Simulation and Model-Checking for the
Discovery and Validation of Behavioral Properties. Yeah, it
happens sometimes
rapport (in French), slides (in French).
Stage ESIAL 2A découverte de la recherche
- Romain Truchi - Kevin Aubert. Plate-forme pour l'enseignement des systèmes informatiques en C. Sujet, rapport, slides.
- Gabriel LARROQUE - Sébastien CHAMPAGNE. Amélioration d'une plate-forme pour l'enseignement de l'informatique. Sujet, rapport, slides.
- Marion Guthmuller (stage ESIAL 2A): Interception système pour la
capture et le rejeu de traces.
sujet, rapport, slides. - Kaishin Lin - Alain Seng (Projet de 2A de l'école des Mines de
Nancy): Interception système pour l'émulation
sujet, rapport, slides. - Sébastien TONI - Loic VOURC'H (stage ESIAL
2A découverte de la recherche): Amélioration d'une plate-forme pour
l'enseignement de l'informatique.
sujet, rapport, slides.
- Cristian Rosa (INRIA internship): Model-Checking in a Grid
Framework. Cristian was then enrolled in a PhD program with me.
proposal - Sabina Akhtar (M2R LORIA): Formal Verification of Distributed
Algorithms in +CAL 2.0. Sabina is currently enrolled in a PhD
program with Stephan Merz, who were the main advisor of this M2R
- Ahmed Harbaoui (M2R LORIA): Étude comparative des algorithmes
de découverte de la topologie de la grille
manuscript, slides - Christophe Thiéry (stage ESIAL 2A): Simulation de
graphes de tàches dans SimGrid 3
manuscript, slides